When it comes to mainstream media, even a broken clock can be right twice a day. Objectively pro-life points obscured by abortion propaganda and opinion from over the weekend are Saturday Night Live’s “Weekend Update” and Real Time with Bill Maher.
SNL Brings Up Valid Abortion Questions
Weekend Update anchors Colin Jost and Michael Che displayed a rare resemblance of humor when they took shots at both Donald Trump and Joe Biden while discussing Trump’s abortion comments and Arizona’s 1864 abortion law.
“President Biden criticized the law calling it cruel,” Jost monologed during the segment. “Which is the same thing he said when he voted against it in 1864.”
Jost continued: “In a video on Truth Social, Donald Trump falsely said that Democrats support abortion up until ninth month and beyond, saying the baby is executed after birth. But he only thinks that happens because when Trump was a baby, a bunch of time travelers showed up trying to kill him.”
Jost would draw a blank naming a Democrat who wants any boundaries on abortion, but pushing that aside momentarily, laced in his statement is an apropos, and perhaps unknowingly on Jost’s part, insinuation on how abortion-loving Democrats see Trump.
Vice President Kamala Harris declared on Friday that, ““We all must understand who is to blame. Former President Donald Trump did this. Donald Trump is the architect of this health care crisis. And that is not a fact that he hides. In fact, he brags about it.”
The reversal of Roe v. Wade is certainly in Trump’s figurative trophy shelf, but the 1864 Arizona law was well before Trump’s time, and yes, even Biden’s.

Che contributed to the segment by reporting, “This week, Donald Trump said that he supports abortions laws being decided by the states instead of the federal government. But why stop there? Why not go even smaller and leave it up to the counties or the city?”
While the states have far more power to enact legislation with Roe out of the way, abortion remains a federal issue including two words: taxpayer dollars.
Students for Life Action (SFLAction) released an analysis on how much abortion funding is taxpayer funded, stating:
“Family Research Council’s “Direct Deposit” to Planned Parenthood report in 2022 noted that since 1993, Planned Parenthood has raked in $10.35 BILLION in total taxpayer funding. Planned Parenthood’s most recent annual report for 2021-2022 noted that the money keeps pouring in, with 35% of their annual budget coming from federal taxpayers, more than $670M.”
READ: Blood Money: Our Federal Tax Dollars Support Abortion — SFL Action (studentsforlifeaction.org)
In only a year’s time, $670 million goes to abortion without Americans’ consent. Americans deserve to know where their money is going, especially if hard earned cash turns to blood money.
Bill Maher Says the Quiet Part Out Loud: Abortion is Killing Babies, But He Doesn’t Care
SNL mocked Republicans who point out the obvious truth that Democrats are fine with killing a child up to, and even after, birth. Maher, however, went straight for the jugular.
In his weekend show Real Time with Bill Maher, Maher scolds the left for their inconsistent abortion stance. He stated:
“I scold the left on when they say: ‘oh, you know what, they just hate women. People who aren’t pro-life, they are pro-choice. They (Republicans) don’t hate women. They (Democrats) just made that up. They think it’s murder and it kind of is.
I’m just okay with that (murder). I am, I mean there’s eight billion people in the world. I’m sorry. We won’t miss you. That’s my position on that.”
Maher’s observations are correct. His conclusion, however, is ghastly. Still, he says what the pro-life movement has been saying all along: It’s bogus to say we “hate women.” We offer resources for them, such as Standing With You, with copious amount of Pregnancy Care Centers and ministries across the country helping to aid women. SFLAction’s encourages and supports pro-women, bipartisan legislation called the Child Tax Credit.
Maher states the truth: abortion is the intentional death of a human being. Removing euphemisms and smears reveals the true desires of abortion radicals. We hope Maher takes the additional step to say it’s wrong, because there’s merit in pointing out when they’re right or asking a good question about abortion.
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