While abortion is on the mind of many voters, it’s on the hearts of Gen Z and it could decide this next election. During the first post Roe primary election in over 50 years, ABC Nightline highlighted abortion and pro-life activists, which included interviews with Students for Life of America (SFLA) President Kristan Hawkins and Ohio and Michigan Intern Morgan Reece.

According to Tufts University and as referenced by ABC Nightline, there are 41 million Gen Z voters. With such a high level of sway, Gen Z wields the hammer of who sits in the White House.
“There is a capacity for young voters to have a real big impact in terms of who wins in these battleground states.” stated ABC Deputy Political Director Averi Harper during the episode.
The Pro-Life Generation is persuading Gen Z to embrace pro-life ideas. In 2023, SFLA released its fourth, wide-ranging poll of Gen Z and Gen Y. Conducted by YouGov-Vinea, almost seven in 10 report they want limits on abortion. By margins of more than nine in 10, Gen Z and Gen Y voters reject the No Test, Online Distribution of Chemical Abortion Pills pushed by the Biden Administration that exposes them to injury, infertility, death, and abusers, who use the deadly drugs against women without their knowledge or consent.
ABC Nightline looked at different abortion perspectives from two college students. One was Morgan Reece and the other Hadley Duvall, both advocated at opposite ends of the abortion issue.
Morgan Reece default position was pro-abortion until one day she ran into a social media post that completely shifted her position. Now, she’s active in the pro-life movement and interns for SFLA.
“This is the greatest human rights atrocity to ever occur,” Reece told ABC. “That we are allowing the slaughter of children in the womb.”

Hadley Duvall, however, believes differently. Having been assaulted as a child by her stepfather and eventually suffering from a miscarriage, she believes she would’ve chosen abortion and that it’s no one else’s business. Her story became public when she starred in a Kentucky ad for Andy Bershear.
“My favorite thing to say is that I’m pro minding your business,” Hadley Duvall told ABC.
While rape and sexual assault are heartbreaking and horrible crimes, it’s even more heartbreaking if an innocent, preborn child pays for the sins of the father. Many women experience post-abortive guilt from killing their child. Reece used to feel the same as Duvall regarding these cases. However, she explained to ABC Nightline how the social media flipped her perspective and changed her heart toward the preborn.
Reece used to feel the same. She explained to ABC Nightline how the social media flipped her perspective and changed her heart toward the preborn.
“I used to be pro-abortion, and I just thought that was the normal stance to have,” explained Reece. “I came across a graphic photo of an aborted baby that just broke my heart.”
Despite Roe’s reversal and winning young hearts for the pro-life movement, abortion free America remains the goal. Kristan Hawkins knows it starts with youth, which is why students are a key part of the mission at Students for Life of America.

“Our vision of an abortion free American has not been actualized yet,” SFLA’s Kristan Hawkins told ABC. “When we’re having conversations with young people who are starting there. What sort of restrictions on abortion do they want? And why?”
Kristan Hawkins and others at SFLA keep winning over the youth by debating and asking these important questions and ultimately changing minds. Kristan Hawkins’ Spring 2024 Campus Speaking Tour, “No Abortion, No Exceptions,” takes the conversation to students.
To watch the entire episode, visit ABC Nightline or Hulu.
READ NEXT: Students for Life of America President Kristan Hawkins Goes on Focus on the Family Broadcast
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