GUEST POST: As an outspoken, Jewish anti-abortion activist, I have always received backlash — however, in recent weeks since the war in Israel began, the criticism has grown and focused on my religion. For daring to be both Jewish and pro-life, the attacks on social media have been brutal, with many referencing the Holocaust. Here’s what’s happened:
In late 2020, I wanted to increase my pro-life activism, specifically on social media, so I started my social media platform under the handle “That Conservative Jew.” I chose this name to spark conversation on abortion, mainly as it relates to being a practicing Jew, and quickly gained large a following. Within my first eight months of making content, I had around twenty-thousand followers.
Two things came with this. First, a platform that I could use to promote the pro-life movement. Second, constant backlash that was not just about being an outspoken, pro-life male but centered around me being Jewish.

This probably stemmed from the common misconception is that all Jews are pro-abortion. This misunderstanding can be derived from the Talmud, which is rabbinical commentary from rabbinic sages, which teaches that the mother’s life should always be upheld as the priority. An important distinction is that we know that intentional, direct abortion is never medically necessary to save the life of the mother, according to the Dublin Declaration. Pro-life physicians stand by this, affirming that miscarriage care and emergency life-of-the-mother care are entirely different.
My social media platform has always aimed to dispel this myth, but it’s recently become a much more hostile environment.
For example, when I posted an Instagram video about abortion relative to the current Palestine/Israeli conflict, I received many messages degrading me for being Jewish and pro-life. One of those messages read, “Bro, respectfully, is your whole personality about being Jewish and Pro-Life?”
I responded, “Which one of those things is more of an issue for you?”

The response? “Bro, Both.” With the rise of antisemitism, other comments have included:
- “Ha-ha, loser, get captured”
- “Bros tired of picking coins off the ground”
- “I’d be sad too if I was a Jew”
- “Please consume cyanide”
- “Someone’s a bit fussy, is it because your food is bland? I think it needs some Jewish ashes to season it a bit”
- “I bet every day, your mom regrets not having you poisoned, dismembered, and starved” “Bro, you missed the showers”
- “Don’t get me wrong, you’re 100% right, but you still have to go into the oven”
- “F**k Jews”
- “I don’t like big nose people”
Let me be crystal clear: as someone who values human life, I mourn for the innocent lives lost in both Israel and Palestine. I stand for life not because of my religion — I have never argued against abortion based on being Jewish — but I am pro-life because I value innocent human life, regardless of race, nationality, or religion (or gestational age, sex, or perceived ability).

Yet even while this onslaught of online hate continues, I am proud to be Jewish and pro-life. If anything, all the backlash I have recently received fuels my fire and desire to fight for the preborn. This includes not just defending the lives of precious, preborn Jewish children from abortion — which is a continuation of the destruction of our people — but to fight for the preborn of all religions and races.
At the moment of conception, a unique, innocent human life comes into existence that has never existed before and will never exist again. No ounce of antisemitism will ever get in the way of me fighting for that new life’s right to life. One day in my lifetime, all the lives of the preborn will be upheld and their value acknowledged federally.
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