Check It Out: Vice Characterizes SFLA’s National Pro-Life Summit “A Show of Force”  

Caroline Wharton - 25 Jan 2023

While the 2023 National Pro-Life Summit is now behind us, both our memories and the media are keeping it in our hearts, as reports continue to go up about the inspiring experience — and these aren’t just from channels which are friendly to the pro-life movement, either. VICE News, a very pro-abortion media outlet, recently ran an article on the Summit which described the conference in rather glowing terms, despite their apparent bias. Here are the highlights:  

Written by reporter Carter Sherman, the article was entitled “Abortion Pills, Prayer, and *NSYNC: Inside Anti-Abortion Activists’ Weekend of Celebrating and Pleading.” It focused on the National Pro-Life Summit as a meeting of “the architects behind the collapse of Roe v. Wade” to “prepare young anti-abortion activists for the post-Roe battle.” Sherman emphasized in her piece that the conference was both a celebration and a training session, as our work in a Post-Roe America has only just begun.  

(Click HERE to read about how the Summit’s straw poll is sweeping the nation and what it shows about the Pro-Life Generation’s thoughts on the 2024 presidential election.)  

While Sherman listed some of the many different ways that the Pro-Life Generation will be standing up for life (sanctuary cities for the preborn, pro-life laws which don’t discriminate based upon conception, genetic make-up, or gender, etc.), her article also emphasized one of Students for Life of America’s (SFLA) biggest targets: Chemical Abortion Pills.  

Many Summit speakers educated the crowd on the dangers of Chemical Abortion Pills and spoke to how the Pro-Life Generation needs to be fighting back against these life-ending drugs. These speakers included medical, legal, and media experts, and two SFLA student spokespeople were quoted in the article on this topic, as well. Katie Rose Geer, a pro-life student leader from Liberty University, stated, “The bathroom is not a place for slaughter. It’s not a place [where] a woman needs to have a tragic and deeply traumatic event happen to her, in her bathroom.”  

Noah Slayter, a student from The Catholic University of America, agreed with Geer, saying: “I think our goal is to bring awareness to the danger that Chemical Abortion brings. So that’s sort of the new frontier, if you will, for the pro-life movement.” 

(To learn more about how SFLA is countering Chemical Abortion Pills, click HERE.)  

Sherman summed up her impression of the conference in a strong anti-endorsement, writing that SFLA’s “National Pro-Life Summit was a show of force, demonstrating that the movement remains staggeringly disciplined and able to present a cohesive front regardless of any dissent in the ranks” [emphasis added]. She even compared the event to the Women’s March former conference — which has since sunk— and acknowledged that the pro-life event was far more potent. Sherman wrote, “The National Pro-Life Summit wanted to inspire [its attendees] …It worked, just as it has for generations.”  

Clearly, the 2023 National Pro-Life Summit was enough of a success that even those in the abortion lobby have to admit it — and this success and inspiration is exactly what the Pro-Life Generation will be taking back out into their communities as we work towards abolishing abortion nationwide.  

READ NEXT: How SFLA Saved a Baby During the 2023 National Pro-Life March 

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