Birthdays are a special time to celebrate new life coming into the world, and our world has recently had the opportunity to commemorate the birthday of our eight billionth baby — a child who is just as special and valued as every person that came before them and who will come after them. As a part of the festivities surrounding this momentous birthday, Students for Life of America (SFLA) was proud to sign onto an ad alongside other pro-life organizations to spread the message that every life is worth celebrating.

The ad is currently running at the Washington Times, and it reads:
“This November, a baby will emerge from her mother’s womb, draw her first breath, and announce her arrival into the world with a tiny cry. While this is the usual protocol for childbirth, one thing in particular will mark this child as unique. This baby will be Baby Eight Billion.
“That day — the day that our planet becomes home to eight billion human beings — marks an important milestone. But is it a milestone on humanity’s upward path that we should celebrate, or a warning of impending catastrophe over which we should despair? This depends on who you listen to. Since the birth of Baby Seven Billion a little over a decade ago, the population controllers of the UNFPA and Planned Parenthood have not changed their tune. Their answer is clear: They would have preferred that Baby Eight Billion had never been born.

“We, on the other hand, celebrate the birth of Baby Eight Billion. Let us also join together in celebrating the birth of Baby Eight Billion. He or she is a sign of our future, our hope and our prosperity. Baby Eight Billion, boy or girl, brown, black, or white, is not a liability, but an asset. Not a curse but a blessing. For all of us.”
As the abortion lobby chooses to disparage new life by complaining of a “population crisis,” members of the Pro-Life Generation should take this historic moment to eat a celebratory birthday cupcake and be grateful for this new life in our world as we know that every single child is a gift. And that includes Baby Eight Billion!
(To read more about why we don’t have a population overload, click HERE.)

The ad is signed onto by members of global pro-life organizations including Austin Ruse, President of C-Fam; Steven W. Mosher, President of Population Research Institute; Jennifer Roback Morse, President of the Ruth Institute; Nicholas Eberstadt of the American Enterprise Institute; Pastor Michael Salemink, Executive Director of Lutherans for Life; Connie Eller, President of Missouri Blacks for Life; Larry Cirignano, President of Children First Foundation; Ryan Bomberger, President of Radiance Foundation; Brian Scarnecchia, President of International Solidarity and Human Rights Institute;
Nicholeen Peck, President of Worldwide Organization For Women; Steve Ertelt, Life News; Kristan Hawkins, President of Students for Life of America & Students for Life Action; Melissa Ohden of The Abortion Survivors Network; Fr. Shenan J. Boquet, President of Human Life International; Terry Schilling, President of American Principles Project; Dan Zeidler, President of Family Life Council, Inc.; Laura J Lederer, President of Global Centurion; Brett Attebery, President and CEO of Heroic Media; Karen Garnett, President of National Prayer Luncheon for Life; Allan Parker, President of The Justice Foundation; Lauren Muzyka, President & CEO of Sidewalk Advocates for Life; Judy Brown, President of American Life League; Marjorie Dannenfelser, President of SBA Pro-Life America; Lila Rose, Founder & President Live Action;

Chuck Donovan, President of Charlotte Lozier Institute; Bethany Kozma, CEO of Keystone Policy; Catherine Glenn Foster, President & CEO of Americans United for Life; Alexandra Snyder, CEO of Life Legal Defense Foundation; Catherine Davis, President of The Restoration Project; Jeanne Monahan, President of March for Life; Pastor Joseph Parker, Director of Outreach and Intercession for American Family Association; Alexandra Snyder, CEO for Life Legal Defense Foundation; Allan Parker, President of The Justice Foundation; Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director of the Priests for Life;
Janet Morana, Executive Director of Priests for Life; Walter B. Hoye II of the Issues4Life Foundation; Pamela Whitehead, Executive Director of ProLove Ministries; Wendy Wixom, President of United Families International; C. Preston Noell III, President ofTradition, Family, Property, Inc; Denise Cocciolone President of National Life Center; Brian Gibson, Executive Director of Pro-Life Action Ministries; and Sharon Slater of Family Watch International.
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