A Week of Pro-Life Activism Brought to Campus by a Wilberforce Fellow  

Caroline Wharton - 24 Oct 2022
Guest post by SFLA Wilberforce Fellow Samantha Smith

GUEST POST: At Marian University, our Students for Life of America (SFLA) campus group called the “Knights for Life” recently hosted a special “Week for Life” by throwing special events to support the mission of the pro-life movement. Throughout the week, participation from our group officers and 70 other members proved to make a statement on Marian’s campus with other students, faculty, and staff. Here’s a snapshot of what the week looked like:  

On Monday, we kicked off the week with an apologetics meeting, specifically discussing how to talk about abortion in a Post-Roe America. The meeting was led by our group Secretary Samantha Smith, and she talked about some of the toughest topics, including the question of exceptions for life of the mother, fetal abnormalities, and rape/incest. Our members also shared their own experiences and how to best approach these issues in the future.  

On Tuesday, we began the day early at 7 a.m. to set up 3,000 white flags for our Cemetery of the Innocents, which we shaped into a cross in the center of Marian’s campus. Our students tabled for eight whole hours in front of the Memorial building, and they were open for discussion and provided Standing with You information and resources as needed. Later that evening, 70 members of our group attended the annual “Celebrate Life” dinner hosted by the Indianapolis Right to Life group to hear from some amazing speakers and local pro-life organizations in the Indianapolis area. Our group was very fortunate to have seven tables donated for so many of our students to attend and represent Marian University.  

On Wednesday, we hosted a candlelight Mass for Life; a Marian Mass of the Visitation, which was completely student-led and coordinated with music. In addition, a Eucharistic Procession was held the following evening on Thursday. Group members and others processed around Marian’s campus while singing Immaculate Mary, as a witness to the life movement and our love for the Lord.  

On Friday morning, we had another early start as we prayed at the local abortion facility. To end off the week, we prayed a Holy Hour and a rosary in the evening in remembrance of all the lives lost to abortion and other life injustices. Afterwards, we ended the night with fun and community by hosting a lock-in where we participated in several service projects such as writing letters to thank our donors and making bracelets for elderly patients at retirement homes. 

Overall, the week was fulfilling for our group and so engaging for the entire campus. After all the passion and excitement reignited in our group with this Week for Life, we cannot wait to go out into our campus community and beyond to change hearts and minds. We’re blessed and excited to be a part of the Pro-Life Generation.  

READ NEXT: Watch Out World: Wilberforce Fellow Recruits 120 New Group Members 

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