The Sock the Vote Campus Tour will make 300 stops across the country this fall with eye-catching interactive banners, an extremism-exposing game, 2,362 baby socks to represent the number of abortions that are committed each day in the U.S., and a pledge to vote pro-life, as well as buttons, stickers, and other giveaways.
Unable to host the full tour? You can still encourage students to vote pro-life first this fall with the Sock the Vote Activism Kit. This box is designed to help you start conversations about:
- Why to Vote Pro-Life First
- Abortion extremism
- How you can get involved
This kit includes:
- Abortion quiz brochures
- Campus flyers
- Vote Pro-Life First pins
- Vote Pro-Life First stickers
- Baby socks
- Vote Pro-Life First face masks
- And more!
No matter what social distancing guidelines exist on your campus, you can still be involved in election efforts this October. Request your Sock the Vote Activism Kit today from your Regional Coordinator!
Not sure who your Regional Coordinator is? Click here, or email [yourstate]
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