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“Judge Barrett is quite literally the role model for a new generation of women who know we don’t have to choose between the lives of our children and families and having a successful career,” said Hawkins. “Judge Amy proves women don’t have to make a false choice and fall for lies that Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry peddles.”
WASHINGTON D.C. (10-12-2020) – On the first day of Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s appearance before the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee as part of the confirmation process for a Supreme Court vacancy, Students for Life of America and Students for Life Action brought activists, students and team members together to take a stand for ACB so that she can take a seat on the Supreme Court. Students for Life Field Team Coordinator Lori Cascio shared the sounds of her child’s heartbeat in the womb through a doppler heartbeat device, while others surrounded her with signs reading, “Protect Life in Law” and “Hope,” “Progress,” and “Justice.” The events Monday are only the beginning, as SFLA and SFLAction prepare for travel nationwide in support of the ACB nomination as well as on the importance of Supreme Court vacancies for those voting Pro-Life First.
Click here to read more about SFLA/SFLAction’s plans for the month. Click here for pictures of today’s events outside the Supreme Court.
MEDIA NOTE: For critics who argue that Judge Barrett’s background includes pro-life associations, an abortion viewpoint is not unusual for Supreme Court nominees. Click here to read Hawkins’ op-ed at RealClearPolitics on how abortion views have been ignored for past nominees – such as Ginsburg, Sotomayor and Kagan. Click here to read Hawkins’ op-ed at Fox News outlining how feminist opposition to Barrett’s nomination doesn’t line up with the views of most women.
Speaking at two news events Monday in Washington D.C., Hawkins made the following comments:
“This is an historic day – the beginning of a new era for feminists in which 100 years after women won the vote in the 19th amendment, we will add an exceptionally well-qualified woman to the Supreme Court who will not only have a voice and a vote for the rule of law … who will protect life in law.
“And here is the irony, some women are not happy! I can’t believe that feminists are opposing a woman, but Judge Barrett is a woman like most of us — a working mother, a person serious about her faith, and a talented judge. Judge Barrett is quite literally the role model for a new generation of women who know we don’t have to choose between the lives of our children and families and having a successful career. She proves women don’t have to make a false choice and fall for lies that Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry peddles.
“Our Constitution (not President Trump, not Pro-life Americans, not any political party) provides for this opportunity to fill a vacancy on the Supreme Court. And ACB is an extremely qualified jurist, recommended by people from both political parties.
“The fact that Democrats are threatening court packing if they don’t get their way in stopping this qualified judge shows just how far they are willing to go to manipulate the legal system to get the outcome they want, which is precisely how we got Roe v. Wade.
“The misuse of the legal system and the need for judges who respect the Constitution is a key reason that Americans on November 3rd will VOTE PRO-LIFE FIRST.
“And by the way, if you want to protect those with pre-existing conditions, like my two children who have cystic fibrosis, then that means ensuring all Americans have access to quality healthcare — not socialized healthcare with guarantees children like mine and others who have expensive, life threatening illnesses especially will be left out in the cold.
“This is a problem that laws passed by Congress can fix. Even my 11-year-old knows that Congress — not the Courts — make laws.
“Let’s be clear that when you hear “Medicare for All”, that really just means abortion coverage for all funded by all– whether you like it or not. Friends, if your healthcare kills people, you’re doing it wrong.
“And for those pretending that having had an abortion opinion or a pro-life association in her background disqualifies Judge Amy to serve, consider that Judges Ginsburg, Sotomayor and Kagan all had abortion views in their past. Of course, they SUPPORTED abortion … but that didn’t ‘disqualify’ them and an opinion on abortion must not disqualify Judge Barrett now.
Pro-life people and people of faith deserve a voice in government, and any effort to deny us access to the highest levels of government is un-Constitutional and frankly un-American.
“This qualified woman deserves her seat at the table, and the Pro-Life Generation will be here in Washington D.C. and at events across the country where we will call on people to notify their Senators that this woman is a great choice and role model for a new generation. To the U.S, Senate today I say do your job and fill that seat!”
For interviews, contact Kristi Hamrick at [email protected]
Students for Life Action (SFLAction) is the 501c4 sister organization of Students for Life of America (SFLA), the nation’s largest, pro-life, student organization with more than 1,240 groups on middle, high school, and university campuses in all 50 states. Students for Life has more conversations with those most targeted by the abortion industry every day, week, and year than any other pro-life outreach in the world and mobilizes the Pro-Life Generation to confront abortion at the local, state and national levels daily. Every week, Students for Life entities reach more than 2 million people across social media platforms to have nearly 200,000 digital conversations with the most engaged pro-life online audience in the world.
Students for Life of America (SFLA) is the nation’s largest, pro-life, youth organization. Headquartered in Fredericksburg, VA, SFLA serves more than 1,240 groups on college and university, middle and high school, medical and law school campuses in all 50 states. Student pro-life organizations work to confront policies on their campuses to support pregnant and parenting students, to end Planned Parenthood’s relationships with schools and communities, and to change minds of their peers about abortion. SFLA has more conversations with those most targeted by the abortion industry every day, week, and year than any other pro-life outreach in the world and mobilizes the Pro-Life Generation to confront abortion at the local, state and national levels daily. Every week, Students for Life entities reach more than 2 million people across social media platforms to have nearly 200,000 digital conversations with the most engaged pro-life online audience in the world.
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