“Loyal Pro-Life voters are looking for candidates who respect life and women who deserve our support, as they raise the next generation,” said SFLA’s Kristan Hawkins. “Speaker Nancy Pelosi isn’t the only one who knows that motherhood makes life better, develops excellent life skills, and is worth the effort. But our policy in defense of mothers and their children – born and pre-born – must match our stated values.”
From the just released Marist Poll: “About two-thirds of Americans (65%) and the same percentage of registered voters say they ‘are more likely to vote for’ candidates who would limit abortion to at most the first three months of pregnancy. This includes about nine in 10 Republicans (88%), more than six in 10 independents (62% percent), and more than four in ten Democrats (44%).”
WASHINGTON D.C. (01-22-2020)- Students for Life of America President Kristan Hawkins noted that a new Marist Poll out today confirms SFLA’s previous poll findings about voter interest in engaging on the pro-life issue. “Today’s Marist Poll shows that voters welcome a return of the abortion issue to the grassroots and reject the radical abortion policy that allows for infanticide in abortion vendor offices,” said Hawkins.
“In our own poll of Millennials, we found that 7 of 10 embraced abortion limits and that 65 percent wanted a voice and a vote on abortion policy,” said Hawkins. “The abortion industry likes to pretend that people want more abortion in daily life, but instead, as Marist illustrates, 6 in 10 Americans would like to see the Supreme Court allow states to handle abortion policy.”
Also of note, SFLA’s poll found only 7 percent of Millennials shared the position of the Democratic Party Platform – abortion without any exceptions and funded by tax dollars.
MEDIA ADVISORY: To learn more about life-affirming policy, tune in Saturday as SFLA along with the Heritage Foundation, ADF and Live Action will host the first ever National Pro-Life Summit in Washington D.C.
To learn more about watching the SOLD OUT, 3,300 person EVENT on-line, click here.
ALERT: For a Time-Lapsed Video of the Pro-Life Generation Marching on Friday (January 24th) in Washington DC, go to Facebook.com/StudentsforLife
Video expected by about 6 p.m. ET,
To view last year’s Time-Lapse, click here.
For interviews and analysis or media credentials for the National Pro-Life summit, contact Kristi Hamrick at [email protected].
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