Category: Uncategorized

Thousands of Pro-Choicers Attack Students for Life on TikTok
SFLA Staff | July 16, 2020
Since last November, Students for Life has used the popular social media platform, TikTok, to spread the pro-life message to a younger audience. However, in recent weeks, the account has been under attack by pro-abortion users for affirming pro-life values. In May, SFLA posted a video with an original sound with a “put-a-finger-down if” style video where the user puts

BREAKING: New Documents Prove Planned Parenthood Profited Off Baby Body Parts
Brenna Lewis | April 15, 2020
Five years after news first broke that Planned Parenthood trafficked in baby body parts, newly released documents help confirm what we’ve always known–Planned Parenthood profits off of baby body parts. Newly released receipts show that Planned Mar Monte made almost $25,000 off of the body parts. The Federalist reports, “newly unsealed invoices confirm Planned Parenthood Mar Monte charged the tissue procurement

21 Attorneys General Want To Flood Their States With Unsafe Abortion Drugs
Brenna Lewis | April 2, 2020
21 Attorneys General have asked the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to help ensure dangerous RU-486 abortion drugs, which induce toilet-bowl abortions, can flood their states. The effort to flood states with harmful abortion drugs is also being supported by Dr. Daniel Grossman, a spokesman for the abortion industry. These drugs are unsafe, however. Additionally, since these are being distributed

Georgia Tech Student Government Denies Student Fees To Pro-Life Event
Brenna Lewis | March 31, 2020
In September 2019, Students for Life at Georgia Tech sought student fee funding for an event with pro-life activist Alveda King, the niece of MLK. King is a well-known pro-life activist and often connects the pro-life movement to the Civil Rights Movement. Despite filling out all the right forms and being a group in good standing, the student government at

Students for Life Just Trained Our 100,000th Student & Vows to Move Online During Coronavirus Quarantine
Kristi Hamrick | March 18, 2020
“We are breaking records and building a pro-life majority with the generation most targeted for abortions,” said SFLA’s Kristan Hawkins. “Stay tuned for news of how we are going to take our innovative programming into students’ homes as the nation deals with the coronavirus school closures. We are 100,000 and counting on direct student engagement!” WASHINGTON D.C. (03-18-2020) – Students for

Pro-Life Student Confronts Senator Who Voted Against Bill To End Infanticide
Brenna Lewis | March 16, 2020
Marcos Sanchez, the leader of Chemetka Students for Life in Oregon recently confronted his Senator, Jeff Merkley (D-Oregon), for his vote against federal legislation, the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act to end infanticide. Sanchez attended one of Merkley’s town hall, where the Senator struggled to explain why he opposed the legislation. WATCH: Senator Merkley said the legislation was put

Thanks for protecting life in the Covid-19 Aid bill, President Trump
Brenna Lewis | March 13, 2020
“Common sense and human decency have prevailed in the Covid-19 Aid bill that had previously included taxpayer resources that could be used for abortion, rather than focusing on the real needs of those harmed by this crisis,” said SFLA’s Kristan Hawkins. “Thanks to President Trump, the cynical political calculation to misuse relief funds to force taxpayer funding of abortion has been stopped.

OB/GYN: ‘I Have Fixed The Damage Done By Abortionists, They Need Higher Standards’
Brenna Lewis | February 17, 2020
In just a few weeks, the Supreme Court will hear a challenge brought by the abortion industry against a bi-partisan Louisiana law which requires abortionists to meet the same health and safety standards as medical facilities. The abortion industry argues that it places an undue burden on their ability to commit abortions, while the state of Louisiana argues that they

A History Lesson: Abortion & the African-American Community
Toni McFadden | February 14, 2020
February is Black History Month. And for black pro-life advocates, it’s a month of renewed vigor. Why? Because we know that abortion is history repeating itself, that the racist madwoman who founded Planned Parenthood is getting exactly what she wanted, and that this is a fight for our lives and our dignity. Abortion and the Black Community Abortion has always

Pro-Choice Councilwoman Wants To Stop Pro-Lifers From Publicly Praying Outside Abortion Facilities
Brenna Lewis | February 14, 2020
A pro-choice councilwoman in Spokane, Washington has drafted legislation to try to shut down public prayer events outside of Planned Parenthood. She claims it covers all healthcare facilities, but it’s unknown why people would be publicly praying for an end to knee surgeries or wisdom teeth removal. reports, “Lori Kinnear’s proposed ordinance would make it illegal for someone to