Category: Uncategorized

The #ProLifeGen Marches and Meets to Be All in For Life in 2022
Caroline Wharton | January 24, 2022
It’s a wrap on the 2022 National Pro-Life March and National Pro-Life Summit—and to say it was a success might just be the understatement of the year. The media is abuzz about this week of pro-life activism, and Students for Life of America (SFLA) can’t blame them; this truly was a week to write home about. Check out some of

Paid Abortion Leave: Compensation for Killing Children
Caroline Wharton | January 6, 2022
More reports are popping up concerning a new policy currently rearing its ugly head in several United States cities: paid abortion leave for city employees. That’s right; in three American cities today, if you’re a municipal employee, you can kill your child and be rewarded with a full paycheck and at least one day off. Is this why people say

A How To Testify Guide from a Pro-Life Teenage State Activist
Caroline Wharton | January 4, 2022
GUEST POST: We’ve said goodbye to 2021, but many of us are still thinking about it. For me, one of my most important moments in 2021 was the day that I testified at the Texas State Capitol in July—I will never forget it. When it was my turn at the microphone, I stepped up and told our government leaders

SFLA & National Partners Hold Historic Training of Pro-Life Generation
Kristi Hamrick | January 3, 2022
Former Vice President Mike Pence to address attendees in his only anniversary of Roe appearance in Washington D.C. THIS YEAR: A Straw Poll of the Pro-Life Generation – now more than 30 % of the electorate — will survey the TOP THREE ISSUES informing their vote. “Roe v. Wade might be turning 49, but we won’t see it turn 50 as it is,” said

Grateful Adoptee Counts Blessings This Thanksgiving
Caroline Wharton | November 26, 2021
With Thanksgiving just around the corner this week, I have been concerned with thankfulness and things we tend to take for granted. For me personally, I have so many things I can be grateful for; first and foremost, it’s my life. I am thankful for the fact that my biological parents, halfway around the globe in a little town in Ukraine, chose life for me 21 years ago. I

VIDEO: Cross Stomping, Attacks, Profanity, and Intimidation Common Nationwide as Pro-Life Students Speak up for the Preborn and their Mothers.
Caroline Wharton | November 15, 2021
The country witnessed an intense showing of unbridled hostility towards the Pro-Life Generation at Saint Louis University recently, and it has illuminated just how pro-abortion supporters too often interact with pro-life supporters. SLU pro-life students were obscenely cursed at, insulted, told they were “a little b*tch,” and told that they would “hopefully f*cking go to hell.” This was after pro-abortion students stomped all

Mind-Changing “See Me Now” Tour Comes to Arizona State University
Brenna Lewis | November 10, 2021
I brought the See Me Now tour to Arizona State University’s campus, and even though I had been nervous about my first tour stop, it exceeded all my expectations and was a huge success. We came on a Friday, and, as any college student knows, Fridays are typically a slow day on campus—but my SFLA group and I worked the campus hard. Our labors produced the following

Pro-Abortion Students Vandalize ANOTHER Pro-Life Display at Catholic University
Caroline Wharton | November 9, 2021
Yesterday (Monday, November 8) at Saint Louis University — a Catholic school — pro-abortion advocates vandalized the SLU Students for Life group’s annual Cemetery of the Innocents display. This display is a memorial to lives lost from abortion that the group organizes each year. Of course, those who constantly demand “tolerance” of their viewpoints are once again being completely

More Than 8,000 Doors Knocked in ONE MONTH to Make Cities Abortion Free
Caroline Wharton | November 2, 2021
Students for Life of America has just wrapped up another month of our Campaign for Abortion Free Cities (AFC), and, this October, we saw a fruitful harvest for our labors. As part of the Campaign, pro-life students and community members in 20 different target cities nationwide engage in a variety of efforts to change hearts and minds about abortion as

Pro-Life Victory Alert: Students for Life Action Attends Texas Governor’s Signing of Heartbeat Bill
Kristi Hamrick | May 19, 2021
Reported on behalf of Students for Life Action “Today, Governor Abbott brought Texas one step closer to the total abolition of abortion in our state,” said Sarah Zarr, Texas and Southern Regional Manager for Students for Life and Students for Life Action. “We urge the Texas legislature and Governor Abbott to shepherd the remaining pro-life protections of this session