Category: Uncategorized
One More Time for the People in the Back: If Your Medication Isn’t For Killing Preborn Babies, It Will Get Refilled
Caroline Wharton | October 10, 2022
Since the reversal of Roe v. Wade, more and more stories alleging that pharmacists are refusing to fill prescriptions due to pro-life laws have been cropping up in pro-abortion media outlets — yet every single story ends the same way: the patient gets their necessary medication. What’s all the fuss for then? It’s a clear attempt to undermine both pro-life
Ready to Jumpstart Your Online Activism? Check Out SFLA’s New “Pro-Life Gen Voices” Program
Caroline Wharton | October 10, 2022
With the reversal of Roe v. Wade, there is so much work to do in the pro-life movement in order to ensure that life is protected in both law and service — and if you are looking for a way to expand your activism, Students for Life of America (SFLA) may have just the thing for you. If you are
Whether Marilyn Monroe’s Abortions Are Fact or Fiction, Abortion Hurt is Real
Caroline Wharton | October 9, 2022
GUEST POST: Actress and Hollywood “it” girl, Marilyn Monroe rose to fame in the 1950s, and although she had a glamorous air about her, her experience in Hollywood may not have been as glamorous as once believed. In a recent biopic-based, fictional portrayal of Monroe’s life released for streaming on Netflix, a story of exploitation shows Monroe being forced into
As a Woman, I’m Not Welcomed at the Women’s March So I’m Marching for the Preborn
Caroline Wharton | October 9, 2022
GUEST POST: This weekend, the Women’s March hosted protests or “Women’s Waves” in over 383 cities nationwide with over 11,000 participants signed up to protest – and I wasn’t one of them. Why not? I do fit the bill as I’m a young woman in college, but the Women’s March has made it very clear that as a pro-life woman, I
BREAKING NEWS: Abortion Supporter Arrested at Washington D.C. Women’s March for Harassing Pro-Lifers & Blocking Free Speech
Caroline Wharton | October 8, 2022
“Abortion supporters keep trying to silence the voice of pro-life women who have the right and the responsibility to speak up for preborn women,” said SFLA Director of Leadership Initiatives Mary Briganti. “We deserve a voice and an opportunity to speak out against the violence of abortion, and we will not be stopped by the perpetual violence and hostility of the
Who Loves Abortion? Satanists & Joe Biden
Caroline Wharton | October 8, 2022
GUEST POST: The Satanic Temple has become so widely known for its pro-abortion antics that TikTok videos are now encouraging people to become members of the Satanic Temple in order to undergo abortions in pro-life states. The message appears to be: “Want to keep killing babies? Join the Satanic Temple!” That seems straightforward. The only snag for abortion-loving Satanists is, despite the
Students for Life of America to Counter Post-Roe Women’s Marches Around the Country; Pro-Life is Pro-Woman
Caroline Wharton | October 7, 2022
“While the Women’s March has been very clear that the pro-life perspective is not welcome at these events, let me be equally clear: The Pro-Life Generation will be there, anyways,” said Students for Life of America’s Kristan Hawkins. “Being pro-life is holistically pro-woman. We support women through all stages of life — pregnancy, parenting, adoption, and post-abortive regret — unlike
WATCH: SFLA Student Discusses Las Vegas Lawsuit; Censorship of Pro-Life Speech
Caroline Wharton | October 7, 2022
Students for Life of America (SFLA) student Felipe Avila recently spoke with the media concerning the current lawsuit SFLA is pursuing against a Las Vegas public high school. Avila was a former student of East Career Technical Academy, and his name is on the lawsuit which alleges multiple free speech violations. To watch him discuss the case and what it
How a Culture of Life Has Empowered Me As a First-Time Mom
Caroline Wharton | October 7, 2022
GUEST POST: I’ve been a pro-life activist working with Students for Life of America (SFLA) and Students for Life Action (SFLAction) for nearly five years , and I was blessed to see Roe v. Wade reversed this June when I was seven months pregnant. Becoming a mother in a Post-Roe America has been a beautiful experience thanks to the culture
UConn Students for Life Materials Vandalized and Stolen – Because It’s Easier Than Having a Conversation
Caroline Wharton | October 6, 2022
GUEST POST: It’s easier to cut someone down than sit down with them and have a discussion, and in this way, the abortion lobby unfortunately likes to take the “easy” way out. Students for Life of America (SFLA) New England Regional Coordinator Stephanie Luiz realized this once again when she brought the “Abortion is Not Right” 2022 Fall Tour to