Category: Planned Parenthood

Texas Defunded Planned Parenthood – Help Your State be Next!
Brenna Lewis | February 3, 2021
As Students for Life recently reported, Texas is the most recent state to have succeeded in defunding Planned Parenthood of state Medicaid dollars. Given that Medicaid is the avenue by which Planned Parenthood grabs most of its cash from taxpayers, the fact that Texas has finally smacked their greedy paw away is a big deal. Despite how difficult a

Texas FINALLY Slaps Planned Parenthood’s Hands Away from Their Wallet
Brenna Lewis | February 2, 2021
After a decade of very hard work, pro-life advocates and lawmakers in Texas have finally succeeded in telling Planned Parenthood they can no longer steal Medicaid funds from the state. The legislature spent 5 long years in court working to prove that Planned Parenthood did not qualify for the funds. This included sharing evidence of their fetal body part

Pro-Life Students Get Shooting Threat at Planned Parenthood, D.C. Police “Don’t Have the Manpower” to Help
Brenna Lewis | February 2, 2021
When a group of pro-life students and Students for Life team members ventured out to the sidewalk of the D.C. Planned Parenthood on Saturday morning, we knew there would be violence. But we anticipated it would be the habitual violence Planned Parenthood directs towards the preborn every day. Little did we know that the threat would be headed our

Billions of Our Dollars Have Gone to International Abortion Vendors
Brenna Lewis | January 28, 2021
In 2019, Reps. Vicky Hartzler (R-MO), Pete Olson (R-TX), and Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) led over 120 House and Senate Members in a letter to the Government Accountability Office (GAO) requesting data on federal taxpayer dollars received by certain abortion vendors. Last week, GAO released the report, which includes documentation of the funding received over a 3-year period (2016 through 2018)

31 U.S. Senators Try to Keep Planned Parenthood from Stealing More Money
Brenna Lewis | January 20, 2021
Back in May 2020, the coronavirus relief package approved by Congress sent out millions of dollars to aid small business as part of the PPP (Paycheck Protection Program). This money was set aside for small businesses. Now, does an organization with $1.6 billion dollars in revenue each year, roughly 1,200 employees, 600 brick-and-mortar affiliates, and some of the most powerful

Students for Life Visits 3 Abortion Facility Sidewalks in 3 Hours
Brenna Lewis | January 19, 2021
Every small team at Students for Life has bi-annual meetings to assess team health (and catch up with one another, given that we’re spread out across the country). When the West Coast half of the Field Team gathered in St. Louis, they decided to include some pro-life activism in their schedule… which meant visiting 3 different abortion facilities in

Twitter’s CEO Says the Crackdown on their Customers’ Speech is Just Getting Started
Brenna Lewis | January 18, 2021
It’s no secret that the tech giants of America have nearly unbridled power when it comes to controlling the social media narrative. Facebook and Twitter in particular have been caught time and time again shadow banning and otherwise censoring viewpoints they don’t like (i.e. conservative ones). So it wasn’t a major shock when footage was leaked of Twitter CEO

Missouri is Currently Abortion-Free, but With Strings Attached
Jessica Nardi | January 14, 2021
Missouri is on its way to becoming the first abortion-free state in the U.S. as all its abortion facilities are either currently closed or halted in operation. This is exciting news for the pro-life movement, however, that doesn’t mean Planned Parenthood isn’t finding ways to circumvent health and safety requirements to continue their dirty business.   A recent report from

Planned Parenthood Funded Biden’s Campaign and Now They Want It Back
Jessica Nardi | December 29, 2020
President-elect Joe Biden sold his soul to the abortion industry long ago, and now that he’s headed for the highest office in the land, it’s time for him to pay up. Planned Parenthood spent $45 million on Biden’s presidential campaign, and Alexis McGill Johnson, president of Planned Parenthood, says she wants “…an implementation decree on day one, within the

Top 5 Ways Pro-Life Students Took Down Planned Parenthood in 2020
Brenna Lewis | December 18, 2020
Planned Parenthood has a monopoly on abortion in America, committing 1/3 of the nation’s total abortions (over 340,000 per year). So the battle against abortion must include a battle against Planned Parenthood. Fortunately, Students for Life groups & leaders are up for the challenge. Pro-life students fought tirelessly against the abortion giant this year and made a difference for