Doctor on Planned Parenthood Board Only Reports Sexual Abuse of Girls “In Some Cases”

Planned parenthood abortions per year
Brenna Lewis - 14 Sep 2021


Guest post by Freeman Marshall, SFLA Student Leader

Dr. Noor Zwayne, a “Pediatric Gynecologist” in Arizona and Planned Parenthood Arizona board member, was interviewed by Ethan Cox (a Planned Parenthood associate) in their “Care No Matter What” podcast. It was everything you’d expect from a “pediatric gynecologist” on the board of the nation’s biggest abortion vendor.

Zwayne spoke highly of the job, saying that it meshed all of her interests. She gets to do “education, medicine, and operate regularly.” We can only hope “operate” refers to life-saving procedures, not life-ending ones. But the grimmest revelation of this podcast interview wasn’t about the escapades of an abortionist, but rather, the betrayal of abused girls.

She admits that in her job, Zwayne has to deal with the sexual abuse of youth, particularly young girls. Cox then asks her about the mandated reporting laws of such abuse. Her response was as disturbing as it was shocking. “In some cases, I have to report it to the police,” she responded. Only in some cases? In what case is the rape or other sexual abuse towards a child not reported to authorities?

All U.S. states have mandatory reporting laws, meaning that certain individuals in certain professions are required to report suspected abuse of minors. In Arizona, too, physicians are mandated reporters of suspected child abuse. RAINN, an organization active against sexual assault, notes:

  • Anyone who fails to make a required report is guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor, except if the failure to report involves certain specific offenses listed in the statute, the person is guilty of a Class 6 felony.

Under Arizona state law specifically, RAINN denotes that filing a report is required:

  • When there is reasonable belief “that a minor is or has been the victim of physical injury, abuse, child abuse, a reportable offense or neglect that appears to have been inflicted on the minor by other than accidental means or that is not explained by the available medical history as being accidental in nature;”

Interestingly, Zwayne was not asked to elaborate on her answer. We know that Planned Parenthood does not always report the sexual abuse of minors, opting instead to work in concert with abusers and traffickers and profit from the abortions of their victims. In cases unrelated to abortion, such as the sexual abuse of pre-pubescent girls, the hope would be that they make a different decision about reporting.

15% of all sexual abuse victims are between the ages of 12-17. Based on analysis of sexual assault statistics, the number of children conceived from rape each year in the United States might range from 7,750—12,500 (which they also admit is a very general estimate). Where does the young woman go? She goes to the lady in bright pink scrubs who promised her years ago that she would take care of the problem – no questions asked.

We sincerely hope that our nation will stop considering Planned Parenthood a safe place that provides “care no matter what.” Years of allegations and subsequent proof supports the fact that they do not care about women or their children – including ones who have been assaulted. They are more than happy to sell an abortion and return girls right back into the clutches of abusers.

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