A few weeks ago, a new video was released by the Center for Medical Progress documenting government-sponsored and taxpayer-funded “research” at the University of Pittsburgh using the remains of aborted infants harvested by Planned Parenthood. Catch up on the full story here.
Now, the National lnstitutes of Health (NIH), an agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), is attempting to reverse the limits placed on aborted fetal tissue under the Trump Administration by eliminating the requirement that research utilizing aborted baby body parts be reviewed by an Ethics Advisory Board.
We held a rally against Pitt’s unethical research on May 7th. Read more here and watch the video below…
If we’ve learned anything from the ongoings at Pitt, it’s that using aborted infant remains for grotesque experiments is unnecessary, inhumane, and ETHICALLY problematic. It also profits the nation’s largest abortion vendor, Planned Parenthood, while simultaneously violating the conscience rights of the majority of Americans.
Enough is enough. We need YOU and the rest of the Pro-Life Generation to contact Dr. Anthony Fauci TODAY and urge him to stop using aborted baby body parts for research through the NIH! We’ve already written sample scripts, so all you have to do is click and sign.
Please join us in this effort to stop the NIH from allowing the further abuse and exploitation of aborted human beings.
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