Category: Middle School

NEVER BACK DOWN: SFLA Brought a Pro-Life Display to the Machete Professor’s New School…Here’s How it Went
Caroline Wharton | October 30, 2023
Despite the horrifying pictures of Jewish students barricaded, surrounded, and subjected to fear of violence – not only in a war zone but also at an American school in New York City —Students for Life of America (SFLA) recently held a campus event at The Cooper Union, the location of the pro-terrorist protest. While the school has downplayed the incident (a “tense scene” which

Going as Healthcare for Halloween: Abortionists Can Dress Up Like Doctors (And Cowboys?) But a Costume Can’t Make You One
Caroline Wharton | October 30, 2023
GUEST POST: You can wear boots, but that doesn’t make you a cowboy. With Halloween quickly approaching, everyone is searching for the perfect costume because pretending to be something you are not for a night lends to the excitement of the holiday. Much like Cinderella, however, when the clock strikes midnight, no fairy wings, cat ears, or cape can make

Congratulations to Students for Life of America’s October 2023 Group of the Month: The CUA Cardinals for Life!
Caroline Wharton | October 27, 2023
October is Respect Life Month, and Students for Life of America (SFLA) kept that in mind when choosing our October 2023 Group of the Month: The CUA Cardinals for Life! This SFLA group, based at The Catholic University of America (CUA), has been on fire with all their pro-life work on campus this month. They are working hard to be

Celebrities Like Torrey DeVitto Need to Tell the Truth: A Miscarriage is Not an Abortion
Caroline Wharton | October 27, 2023
With a great platform comes great responsibility to tell the truth, but many celebrities sadly use their spotlight to cozy up to the abortion industry and further mislead the public. We saw a recent example of this with actress and former fashion model Torrey DeVitto, who has recently published an op-ed claiming she had two abortions. The problem with this narrative,

The Results Are In: Congratulations to SFLA’s Fall 2023 National Pro-Life Chalk Day Winners!
Caroline Wharton | October 25, 2023
GUEST POST: Following a difficult selection process by Students for Life of America (SFLA) in picking the top ten National Pro-Life Chalk Day submissions, the Pro-Life Generation has spoken, and the top three winners are in! We think you’ll agree that these were well-deserved wins — so without further ado, here are our three finalists: First Place: New Mexico State

Thanks to the Abortion Lobby, Experts Say Falling Birth Rates Mean “Calamity” on the Horizon: Half U.S. States Have Deaths Outpacing Births
Caroline Wharton | October 25, 2023
As the abortion lobby ramps up their extremism, putting killing kids (preferably on the taxpayers’ dime) at the top of their priority list, is it any wonder that our nation’s population experts are sounding the alarm? Several concerned specialists recently spoke out yet again about the disaster our pro-abortion society is brewing, warning about the “calamitous effect” our falling fertility

Who Died & Made the FDA King? With Far Too Much Power, This Federal Agency Seems More Concerned With Politics Than People
Caroline Wharton | October 25, 2023
A hallmark of America’s unique government is our historic concern for checks and balances, but the pro-life movement is increasingly becoming frustrated over the scales of power seemingly being tipped in favor of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). In our fight against Chemical Abortion Pills (which now account for more than half of all United States abortions), it has become

Abortion is the Absolute Opposite of Being “Pro-Woman” — That’s Why SFLA Protested the Women’s Convention
Caroline Wharton | October 25, 2023
GUEST POST: The abortion lobby loves pretending to be “pro-woman” — and in the face of such a ridiculous claim (since abortion hurts both born and preborn women), Students for Life of America (SFLA) loves to point out their hypocrisy. That’s why the Pro-Life Generation recently hosted a life chain outside of the Women’s Convention in downtown Milwaukee, Wisconsin. While

Biggest Losers of Fall 2023 National Pro-Life Chalk Day: Pro-Abortion Vandals
Caroline Wharton | October 24, 2023
GUEST POST: Students for Life of America (SFLA) groups across the nation recently participated in National Pro-Life Chalk Day Fall 2023, but plenty of abortion supporters evidently had a bone to pick with several groups’ chalk displays. Many were ruined as vandalism is sadly an all-too familiar occurrence for the Pro-Life Generation. Check out the 16 blatant instances of chalk censorship from this semester

Brought to You by Planned Parenthood: ‘The Morning Show’ Gets a Pro-Abortion Makeover & Experiences Serious Viewership Drop
Caroline Wharton | October 24, 2023
Some take a good thing and run with it, making it more successful than ever. The abortion lobby, on the other hand, likes to take a good thing and ruin it — and the Apple TV+ series entitled ‘The Morning Show’ is their latest victim. The third season of this show has become annoyingly pro-abortion and subsequently far less popular with viewers.