Category: Middle School

Ohio Religious Leader LIED About SFLA Signs as Pro-Life Gen Crashed a “Christian” Pro-Abortion Event to Say Vote ‘No’ on Issue 1
Caroline Wharton | October 24, 2023
GUEST POST: What is one of the Pro-Life Generation’s biggest strengths? We move fast. After learning about a pro-abortion event that would be help on the University of Findlay campus by Catholics for Choice and Faith Votes Ohio, Students for Life of America (SFLA) and pro-life community members came together to peacefully protest it in less than 24 hours. Here’s what happened:

It’s Up to You: Vote on Your Top Three Favorite Chalkings from Fall 2023 National Pro-Life Chalk Day
Caroline Wharton | October 23, 2023
GUEST POST: Each semester, the Pro-Life Generation participates in National Pro-Life Chalk Day, and pro-life students from across the nation chalk creative messages and artwork on their campuses and in their communities. With loads of participation from our amazing Students for Life of America (SFLA) groups, it’s always incredibly difficult to narrow down the submissions to our top ten —

UNC Chapel Hill Abortion Supporters Threw a “Pro-Choice Party” to Protest Kristan Hawkins, Complete with a Bounce House & Condom Pinata
Caroline Wharton | October 23, 2023
GUEST POST: The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill has long had a reputation for being extremely pro-abortion… so of course we had to bring Students for Life of America (SFLA) President Kristan Hawkins on campus for her “I’m Coming for Your Abortion Access” Speaking Tour to check it out for ourselves. Hawkins’ tour stop at Chapel Hill certainly featured many abortion

Leading the Ohio March for Life & Becoming Inspired to Fight Even Harder Against Issue 1
Caroline Wharton | October 23, 2023
GUEST POST: After working hard to get my Students for Life of America (SFLA) group official at Lorain County Community College (LCCC) and powering through free speech issues, we had the opportunity to attend our first pro-life march recently: the Ohio March for Life! We joined our amazing SFLA Regional Coordinator Jamie Scherdin in the public pro-life testimony — and

You Can Scream & You Can Swear But Nothing Will Stop SFLA From Being There to Educate Ohio Voters
Caroline Wharton | October 23, 2023
GUEST POST: As the Pro-Life Generation helps prepare Ohio voters for the extreme pro-abortion measure on the ballot this November, I’ve seen things on my campus that have left me both deeply concerned and highly optimistic for our future. The main feeling about abortion on my campus has always been apathy, which is very frustrating, but many students I’ve had

CORPORATE CANCER: New Survey Finds Three Out of Four Large Employers Would Rather Kill Your Kids Than Help Welcome Them
Caroline Wharton | October 20, 2023
The abortion lobby has sunk their claws into the corporate world, and a new survey of employer health benefits has shown just how bad it’s really gotten. In the wake of Roe v. Wade’s reversal, many companies were pressured to show their allegiance to abortion and came out with statements and promises that were the opposite of life-affirming. To the detriment

Britney Spears’ New Memoir Reveals Abortion with Justin Timberlake Who Said He Didn’t Want to Be a Father
Caroline Wharton | October 20, 2023
During the #FreeBritney movement several years ago when there was global outrage via social media over Britney Spears’ conservatorship, pro-lifers were a part of the crowd speaking out, disgusted that she was being forced to have an intrauterine device (IUD) against her will. Now, Spears is back in the news again for another life decision that wasn’t entirely her own — this

Abortion Lobby Wants Pro-Lifers to Take Part of the Blame for War in Israel…But That Doesn’t Add Up
Caroline Wharton | October 19, 2023
Unless you live under a rock, you’ve undoubtably seen mass amounts of coverage of the war in Israel — and rightly so. The terrorist group Hamas has unleashed extreme terror upon the nation (including actually beheading babies), and the reports get worse day by day. As we’ve begun asking how the United States may have inadvertently contributed to this crisis, some pro-abortion politicians

Door Knocking for Death: Planned Parenthood Apes the Campaign for Abortion Free Cities in the Creepiest Way
Caroline Wharton | October 18, 2023
Imitation is the highest form of flattery — but Students for Life of America (SFLA) would be okay without this recent, somewhat backhanded compliment from Planned Parenthood. Apparently, SFLA’s Campaign for Abortion Free Cities initiative inspired the abortion giant to copy our community outreach, but their door knocking for death efforts are seriously creepy. Here’s what you need to know: SFLA’s Campaign for Abortion Free

Answer for Your Crimes: Pro-Lifers Finally Get to Confront University of Pittsburgh Hospital for Gruesome Experiments at Public Meeting
Caroline Wharton | October 18, 2023
If you’ve been following Students for Life of America’s (SFLA) involvement in the outrage and activism against the University of Pittsburgh (UPitt) over the last several years for their gruesome experiments using aborted babies, there’s been an update in this saga. The board for the UPitt hospital at fault recently had to open a meeting for public attendance after declining to do so