Category: Featured

The Pro-Life Generation Tells Virginia Elected Officials To Keep The State Pro-Life
Brenna Lewis | February 20, 2020
On Thursday, 15 members of the pro-life generation traveled to the Virginia state capitol in Richmond to ensure that they heard from them about the importance of keeping Virginia pro-life! The students and staff, including National Campaigns Advisor Titus Folks and Students for Life Action President Kristan Hawkins, spent the morning talking to legislative staff and elected officials about pro-life

Wyoming House Passes Legislation Stopping University From Paying For Student Abortions
Brenna Lewis | February 20, 2020
Last night, the Wyoming House passed a budget that included an important new provision; the University of Wyoming will no longer pay for students to have abortions through the university health insurance plan. The language of the amendment states that the University of Wyoming cannot spend any funds to pay for elective abortions for students. Chuck Gray, the sponsor of

Chicago Sun-Times Endorses Pro-Choice Candidate Because ‘There’s More Hispanics In This District’
Brenna Lewis | February 19, 2020
The Chicago Sun-Times, one of the two major newspapers in Chicago, has endorsed Marie Newman, the NARAL-backed primary challenger to pro-life Democratic Representative Dan Lipinski. Newman also ran against Lipinski in 2018. Boom! Chicago Sun-Times endorses @Marie4Congress over anti-choice, pro-Trump Dem incumbent Dan Lipinski! We’re going to do this! #IL03 — Ilyse is that Spring I hear waking Hogue

A Mind-Changing Dialogue with a National Pro-Life March Protestor
Stephanie Stone | February 18, 2020
I have attended the National Pro-Life March in D.C. since I was 12 years old. However, as a child, and eventually as a student, the passion and courage that swept over me whenever I’d march next to those who felt the same as I did, sometimes would hide itself whenever I was faced with a challenger. I was shy. And who could blame me?

City Councilwoman Tries To Get Police To Shut Up Pro-Lifers
Brenna Lewis | February 18, 2020
Spokane Councilwoman Lori Kinnear really, really, really does not like pro-lifers. Based on her comments and her introduced ordinances, she is upset that hundreds of pro-lifers regularly gather to peacefully pray for an end to abortion outside a local Planned Parenthood facility. As we’ve reported before, she has written legislation to try to get them shut down for noise violations

Pro-Life Students Travel To State Capitol To Oppose Assisted Suicide
Brenna Lewis | February 18, 2020
Students for Life Action members from Maryland recently traveled to the state capitol to talk to elected officials about the dangers of assisted suicide. Below is a blog written by Towson Students for Life leader Erica Caporaletti. On February 11th, hundreds of pro-life Marylanders gathered in the halls of the Maryland State Capitol to make a stand for life! Students

One Of The Top Pro-Life Legal Groups Is Offering A Law School Prep Academy
Brenna Lewis | February 18, 2020
Alliance Defending Freedom, one of the top pro-life legal groups in the country, is offering a “Law School Prep Academy” for future law students. Alliance Defending Freedom has long been a partner of Students for Life, often representing Students for Life groups in free-speech disputes with universities, as well as regularly sponsoring Students for Life event. ADF was also a

Is Physician Assisted Suicide a Compassionate Choice?
Mary Briganti | February 17, 2020
When someone hears the word, “pro-life,” abortion is usually the first life issue to come to mind. And while making abortion illegal and unthinkable is a goal of the pro-life movement and the focus of Students for Life of America, there are many life issues that are threatening the lives of vulnerable humans. These issues include embryonic stem cell research, human

Students for Life Launches New “Heart to Heart” Campus Tour!
Brenna Lewis | February 17, 2020
Every semester, Students for Life of America does a campus “tour” display – an interactive, educational banner setup about a specific pro-life topic. This semester, we created a new display – the Heart to Heart Tour. And it launches today (February 17th, 2020) with its first stop at Wichita State University in Kansas. Debate about abortion has dominated recent news

Colorado House Committee Rejects Medical Care For Abortion Survivors
Brenna Lewis | February 17, 2020
A Colorado House committee voted last week against requiring doctors to provide medical care for babies born alive after abortion. It comes at the same time that Senator Ben Sasse (R-Nebraska) led a Senate committee hearing on the Born-Alive Abortion Survivor’s Protect Act. Fox News reports, “House Bill 1068 threatened $100,000 fines for physicians who fail to ‘exercise the same