The Students for Life groups in the Rocky Mountain Region of Colorado, New Mexico, and Wyoming have been itching to get back on campus so that they can continue to reach people with the pro-life message. Since that isn’t a possibility right now, SFLA’s Rocky Mountain Regional Coordinator, Christina Coffman came up with an idea.
On Thursday, April 16th, she gathered the region’s students online for “Coffee and Conversations.” She invited the students to grab a cup of coffee, turn on their laptops, and get ready to change the hearts and minds of pro-choice people online! In total, 18 pro-life students came together on the Zoom video call where they were able to hang out with other pro-lifers in the region while individually starting peaceful online conversations with pro-choice people on Instagram, Facebook, Reddit, TikTok and Twitter.
Collectively, they conversed with 70 pro-choice people over the course of just two hours. These 70 individuals were reached by compassionate students that were able to deliver logical pro-life reasoning – regardless of how many minds were fully changed about abortion, this is a huge victory. Every bit of positive dialogue on this issue makes a difference.
And what did they do afterwards? Logged their conversations for the T.A.L.K. Challenge! Students for Life has set out to have 250,000 conversations about abortion this school year. And digital ones count, too! Check it out here.
Are you a pro-life student wanting to practice your pro-life apologetics online? Contact your SFLA Regional Coordinator to organize a similar event! Just email [yourstate]
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