Category: college

UCSF is (Still) Dismembering Live Human Babies
Jessica Nardi | July 9, 2020
The University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) operates and funds over 100 abortion training programs across the United States, including training for abortions committed after viability (20 weeks of gestation). Pro-Life San Francisco recently released a video titled UCSF: A Real Life American Horror Story showing how one of California’s most prestigious public universities takes abortion to all extremes.

New Gallup Poll – One in Four Americans Believe Abortion is a Key Issue for Voters
Jessica Nardi | July 9, 2020
A new Gallup poll reports that more pro-life Americans will not vote for candidates who support abortion and almost half of Americans consider abortion to be a key issue for voters. According to the poll, the number of Americans (24%) who consider abortion a threshold issue — meaning the candidate must share their views — has increased significantly from
Victory: Democrats Take Their Sights Off Hyde Amendment (For Now)
Jessica Nardi | July 9, 2020
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi recently announced that the Democratic House has decided not to try to end the Hyde Amendment during the election year. Pelosi has long been pushing to end the Hyde Amendment — a legislation in place since 1976 to protect taxpayers from being forced to fund abortions. While this is good news for the pro-life movement

Pro-Choice Media are Fibbing Big-Time About Supreme Court Birth Control Case
Brenna Lewis | July 9, 2020
There’s a lot of confusion surrounding the Supreme Court’s recent decision not to force businesses to provide contraception for employees (as part of the Affordable Care Act) if it goes against their religious/moral convictions. The case is Little Sisters of the Poor v. Pennsylvania. And most of this confusion has been intentionally fabricated by pro-choice media. In a 7-2

Pro-Choice ‘Watchdog’ Organization Accidentally Promotes Pro-Life Views
Jessica Nardi | July 6, 2020
It’s a glorious day when abortion activists end up doing our job for us. Most of them take for granted the intellectual justifications for the pro-life movement, because, as we know, the most profound pro-choice philosophies come from bumper stickers and pink hats. Such was the case in Media Matters’s latest two pro-abortion pieces–the first criticizing pro-life advocates for

Planned Parenthood Wants to Counter ‘Systemic Racism’ by Giving African-Americans More Birth Control
Jessica Nardi | July 6, 2020
Planned Parenthood announced its new solution for business owners to counter “systemic racism” — free birth control! The Business for Birth Control 2020 campaign was released on June 23, beginning as “a movement of solidarity from 12 national companies affirming their employees’ birth control coverage as an essential part of their health insurance plans…” What does this have to

T.A.L.K. is a Wrap! And the Winners Are…
Lori Cascio | July 1, 2020
After 334 days of counting pro-life conversations, the T.A.L.K. Challenge and other Students for Life efforts have inspired 25,738 conversations about abortion. This brought our national Students for Life T.A.L.K. efforts to 209,423 conversations! Here’s the breakdown: We had 122,027 conversations through our TALK Digital efforts, targeting pro-choice and inactive pro-lifers mainly on social media with surveys and chats. 26,247 conversations came from our

Pro-Choice Vandal Attacks Pro-life Bridge Display
Brenna Lewis | July 1, 2020
For the second time in two months, a pro-life bridge in the Chicagoland area was attacked by a pro-choice vandal! The first incident occurred in May 2020. The second incident happened during the Pro-life Action League’s third annual National Pro-life Bridges Day on June 26, 2020. Chris Iverson, Vice President of Chicago Pro-Life Future, along with his friends were displaying

When All Was Said and Done… Here’s What We Did This School Year!
Brenna Lewis | June 30, 2020
When the school year started last fall, no one could’ve predicted the chaos that would ensue. We went from a regular semester with easy-going chatter about the end of the decade… to full-on pandemonium with a wide-spread infectious disease and riots in the streets. Many businesses and other organizations had to shut down. But shutting down isn’t really an

Hurry – The T.A.L.K. Challenge is Almost Over!
Lori Cascio | June 30, 2020
At the beginning of this school year, we set out to have 250,000 conversations about abortion. The COVID-19 pandemic threw a big curveball at us, but we still managed to have tens of thousands of heart-changing conversations as part of this T.A.L.K. Campaign. The T.A.L.K. Campaign formally ends tonight, June 30th, at midnight… but we couldn’t wait to share some student stories! Here