Category: college

Chaos at Planned Parenthood as CEO Accused of Abuse & Racism by Nearly 300 Employees
Brenna Lewis | June 22, 2020
A wise man once said, “You can’t practice vice virtuously.” In Planned Parenthood’s case, that means: you can’t run an aborting babies business without employing some unsavory business practices. And scandals. And criminal activity. And body part trafficking. In New York, it’s trouble in paradise as over 546 Planned Parenthood staff & supporters put forth an open letter calling

Pro-Life Student Goes Undercover to Pro-Choice Workshop
SFLA Staff | June 18, 2020
As the public policy captain for Nevada through Students for Life Action, I have the task of organizing a group of student leaders to counter pro-choice meetings. So when NARAL Pro-Choice America publicized a Zoom event, I jumped on the opportunity. The event was advertised on Facebook as “Story of Self-How to Share Your Passion,” and was open to the

We Trained 100 Students from 41 Different States to Start NEW Students for Life Groups
Brenna Lewis | June 18, 2020
To finish out our time in quarantine strong, Students for Life hosted a special training series just for pro-life students who wanted to learn more about how to start a new Students for Life group on their campus. This “New Group Training Series” explored the following: SESSION 1 on Tuesday, May 19th Why and How to Start a Students for Life Group – This

This School Year, Pro-Life Students Raised OVER $100,000 to Help Families Choose Life
Brenna Lewis | June 16, 2020
This school year has been full of ups and downs, but one thing that has remained the same is that the Pro-Life Generation is committed to making abortion unthinkable by changing their campuses to be supportive communities for pregnant and parenting moms in need. The Students for Life groups who participate in the Pregnant on Campus Initiative transform their schools and their

This is a Blatant Example of Why Pro-Life Petitioning Matters
Brenna Lewis | June 16, 2020
Last week, the saga of Colorado’s Initiative 120 overcame its second-to-last hurdle when enough signatures were collected to get it on the November ballot. The initiative, also known as Due Date Too Late, is a pro-life effort to introduce a 22-week (5.5 month) abortion limit in a state where abortion up until birth is allowed. For scale, researchers currently estimate

Pro-Life Students Raise Over $700 in Donations & Supplies for Pregnancy Centers During COVID-19
Mary Briganti | June 16, 2020
Three students from the 2019-2020 William Wilberforce class adapted their fellowship projects to help Pregnancy Help Centers in Nebraska, California, and Texas during the pandemic. By hosting online item drives and Facebook fundraisers, these students raised over $700 in monetary donations and item donations combined. One student collected almost 50 items for her local center in Rio Grande Valley,
Trump Administration Finalizes Rule To Protect Conscience Rights of Doctors
Brenna Lewis | June 15, 2020
The Department of Health and Human Services finalized a new rule on Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act (commonly known as ‘Obamacare’). The new rule has received interest because it ensures that the federal government defines ‘sex’ as either male or female. But the important part of the pro-life movement is that it removes the Obama administration’s decision to

Pro-Life Student Establishes Permanent Scholarship for Students to Travel to D.C. Each January
Mary Briganti | June 12, 2020
This year, I was one of the 20 other college students across the country who were chosen for the William Wilberforce Fellowship. I had a group of 19 to encourage me, back me up, and support me. Doing pro-life activism can be hard and the opposition can be very cruel, but these other students always had my back and
Pro-Choice Ohio Health Director Resigns In A Cloud Of Controversy
Brenna Lewis | June 12, 2020
Amy Acton, who has served as an ally to the abortion industry, has resigned from her role as the Director of the Department of Health for the state of Ohio. Despite being appointed by a pro-life Republican Governor, Mike DeWine, Acton often used her role to serve not the interests of the people of Ohio, but of the abortion industry.

Supreme Court Will Soon Decide If Abortion Facilities Have To Follow Basic Health and Safety Rules
Brenna Lewis | June 11, 2020
The Supreme Court is expected to rule soon (they have until the end of June) on the Louisiana abortion law that requires abortion facilities to follow basic health and safety rules. The case is June Medical Services LLC v. Russo. The abortion industry does not want to follow basic health and safety rules. They are claiming that they cannot comply with