Category: Blogroll

SFLA Alumni Highlight: Kristina Massa
Caroline Wharton | October 10, 2023
GUEST POST: Kristina Massa graduated from the University California Irvine in 2021 with a Bachelor of Arts in Education Sciences. She started her SFLA group during the pandemic, conducting all of her meetings virtually. Not only was she able to revive her group and help to set them up for success after she graduated, but she also discovered her call

More than 100 Black Pastors Make Case Against Abortion & Ohio Issue 1 in Must-Read Letter
Caroline Wharton | October 10, 2023
GUEST POST: With Issue 1 coming on the Ohio ballot this November, more than 100 bipartisan black pastors have signed onto a letter condemning it as the amendment would enshrine abortion in the Ohio Constitution. Their goal is to urge the black community and Ohioans statewide to vote ‘No’ on Issue 1 by raising awareness about the dark reality of abortion.

CVS Tragically Switches Pregnant Mother’s Prescription With Chemical Abortion Pill, Killing Her Two Preborn Babies
Caroline Wharton | October 9, 2023
In a shocking news report made public recently, a Nevada woman who dreamed of having a big family since childhood has lived through a nightmare thanks to Chemical Abortion Pills. After being prescribed life-affirming medication for her pregnancy, a CVS pharmacy mixed up her prescription and sent her home with the deathly drugs instead. Now, she is mourning the loss

CATTY TUG OF WAR: California Abortion Supporter Attempts to Steal Pro-Life Property by Using Her Nails as Claws
Caroline Wharton | October 9, 2023
Abortion supporters make sure there’s never a dull day when Students for Life of America (SFLA) brings the What is a Person? Fall 2023 Display Tour to campus — and that’s exactly what we saw in Sacramento, California recently when this display caused one pro-abortion student to freak out and use her nails like claws. Here’s what happened: When SFLA

We’re Shook: Russia Just Did a Good Thing with Chemical Abortion Pills
Caroline Wharton | October 6, 2023
We’re never said it before, and we’ll likely never say it again — but Russia may just have done something right on the abortion front. Their government has recently tightened the restrictions on Chemical Abortion Pills and considering just how dangerous these drugs can be for women (not to mention the preborn), it’s a move our own country needs to

BREAKING: Abortion Supporter Hits Students for Life of America Campus Leader at University of Washington in Seattle; Police Investigation Ongoing
Caroline Wharton | October 5, 2023
Pro-Abortion Violence Clearly Extends Beyond the Womb “The abortion lobby would rather use their fists than their words, it seems. Instead of choosing conversations, the ‘choice’ today was violence and hostility,” said Students for Life of America Pacific Northwest Regional Coordinator Sophia Di Piazza. “It’s sad to see that abortion supporters can’t even begin to have conversations about this issue

Pro-Abortion Students at University of Washington Seattle ATE Our Fliers, Trashed Our Table & Physically Assaulted Us
Caroline Wharton | October 5, 2023
GUEST POST: While on a recent stop of Students for Life of America’s (SFLA) What is a Person? Fall 2023 Campus Tour, I was reminded that the abortion lobby would rather use their fists than their words. Instead of choosing conversations, the “choice” they are in favor of is violence and hostility — at least that’s what we saw again

A Perversion of Freedom: How the Abortion Lobby Pretends Abortion — Not Life — Is a Human Right
Caroline Wharton | October 5, 2023
While it may sound like a marketing cliché, messaging does matter — words shape thoughts, thoughts shape conversations, and conversations shape the culture. That’s why the abortion lobby’s conniving personal makeover (branding themselves as standing up for women’s freedom instead of women’s endangerment via abortion) should concern us all. Have you noticed this — that many abortion supporters are

SFLA says the Leniency Extended to a Machete Wielding Professor Should be Extended to Pro-Life Americans, at a Bare Minimum
Kristi Hamrick | October 4, 2023
“The lenient plea deal reached for a New York City professor who attacked a Students for Life display, as well as a New York Post Reporter with a machete, allows her to walk away from her self-inflected chaos in a year,” notes SFLA’s Kristan Hawkins. “We call on Joe Biden’s Justice Department to use that same approach instead of the

Free Speech Rights & Digestive Systems Under Attack on College Campuses; Pro-Lifers Mobbed as Pro-Abortion Students Eat Plastic Fetal Models
Caroline Wharton | October 4, 2023
A New York Phenomenon? In 2023, Students Have Chowed Down on Plastic Preborn Babies at Three Different NY Schools “I’m seriously worried about New York abortion supporters’ eating habits…not to mention their moral compasses. The stories I hear from our students and the mistreatment that I receive myself when going on campus for merely being pro-life is getting worse,” said Students for Life of