Category: Blogroll

Pro-Abortion Physician Activism is Intellectually Dishonest & Ethically Wrong
Caroline Wharton | October 4, 2023
GUEST POST: The pro-life movement has been looking to the self-proclaimed “experts” to be honest with the public and provide guidance to practicing medical professionals, as those who are pro-abortion are confused and apparently incapable of reading state law. But the wait is over; in a recent article, the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) took a magnifying glass to

Pro-Abortion Bullying Happens Online & In-Person — This Pro-Life Student Has Gotten More Than 20,000 Negative Messages
Caroline Wharton | October 4, 2023
Bullying is often considered a younger child’s problem, but it’s clear that the abortion lobby continues this childish, unkind practice throughout their lives — just ask the Pro-Life Generation who deals with it daily. Despite being committed to peaceful activism that uplifts the preborn and empowers women, Students for Life of America (SFLA) students are regularly met with opposition and

It’s Domestic Violence Awareness Month: Pregnant Women Sadly Have a Greater Risk of Homicide than Birth Complications
Caroline Wharton | October 3, 2023
GUEST POST: This October, Standing With You is recognizing National Domestic Awareness Violence Month to raise awareness and support for women who are escaping from abuse in order to save themselves and their children. It’s important as research tragically shows that pregnant and postpartum women have a greater risk of being killed by an intimate partner than they do dying

Keep An Eye on the Supreme Court: Three Cases SFLA Has Filed Briefs in & Pro-Lifers Need to Watch
Caroline Wharton | October 3, 2023
October is upon us, and there’s more than just pumpkin spice lattes to be excited about — the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) has just opened its term for 2023! Right now, SCOTUS is issuing order lists, which means the Justices are granting or denying reviewing the cases that have been brought before them. Students for Life of

A “Free Speech Zone” Couldn’t Stop Us from Changing Minds at Kamala Harris’ Speaking Tour Stop in Florida
Caroline Wharton | October 2, 2023
GUEST POST: When Vice President Kamala Harris geared up for her third “Fight for Our Freedoms” tour stop at Florida International University, Students for Life of America (SFLA) rallied to peacefully protest her abortion extremism outside the event. We gathered with signs that read “Fight for Our Freedom” that had an image of a preborn baby, reminding on-lookers that babies

Congratulations to SFLA’s 2023 September Group of the Month: Students for Life at CNU
Caroline Wharton | October 2, 2023
GUEST POST: As the start of the Fall 2023 semester begins, Students for Life of America (SFLA) is proud to announce our September Group of the Month: The Students for Life at CNU! Based at Christopher Newport University in Virginia, this group is full of hard-working individuals who strive to be a pro-life presence on their campus day in and

SFLA & SFLAction President Kristan Hawkins Urges Ohioans to Vote Pro-Life on November Abortion Ballot Initiative at Franciscan University
Caroline Wharton | October 2, 2023
Pro-Life Billboard Truck Accompanies to Educate All of Steubenville, Ohio “Lives are on the ballot in Ohio, and voters deserve to understand the enormity of that —which is why we are coming to make sure every Franciscan University student is out to the polls to vote NO on Issue 1 in November,” said Students for Life Action President Hawkins. “The

Coming to a Campus Near You, SFLA President Kristan Hawkins Launches 2023 Fall Speaking Tour: “I’m Coming for Your Abortion Access”
Caroline Wharton | October 2, 2023
“Since our society has a hard time understanding even basic biology, I want to make the pro-life movement’s game plan crystal clear: we are coming for abortion access,” said Students for Life of America President Kristan Hawkins. “Why? If you need reasons beyond the fact that it’s a human rights abuse to deliberately end the lives of vulnerable innocents, come to

Abortion Supporters Mobbed Me, Ate a Preborn Baby Model, & Jumped on the Police Car I Escaped In
Caroline Wharton | September 29, 2023
GUEST POST: I recently visited Onondaga Community College (OCC) in Syracuse, New York with Students for Life of America’s (SFLA) Defund Planned Parenthood Cemetery of the Innocents campus display. We brought a display consisting of 1,025 pink staked crosses to represent the lives lost to Planned Parenthood nationwide every single day, and I also brought preborn baby models to showcase

After Vitriol & Violence Toward Pro-Lifers, The Hunter College Professor Was Fired — Now She’s Been Hired Again?!
Caroline Wharton | September 29, 2023
Fool me once? Shame on me. Fool me twice? Shame on you, New York education system. Shocking news has come out that the former Hunter College professor that verbally harassed pro-life students, destroyed a Students for Life of America (SFLA) display, and chased a reporter around with a machete last semester has actually been hired for the new school year