The Pro-Life Generation (PLG) showed up once more for this fall’s National Pro-Life Chalk Day! Students across the country united to spread powerful, pro-life messages through creative sidewalk art. Once again, dozens of talented artists have submitted incredible designs, and it was no easy task narrowing them down. Now it’s your turn to get involved!
Scroll down to choose your top three favorites from these wonderful works of art (listed alphabetically), and vote in the form below! Your voice matters—help us choose the best chalk artists this Fall.
Please only select three works of art in the form below.
Butler University Bulldogs for Life
The Butler Bulldogs for Life created a gorgeous piece of chalk art featuring a pregnant mother surrounded by an intricate wreath of flowers. At the top, “Love them Both”—an important pro-life reminder—is accompanied by “Defund Planned Parenthood.” To fit this Chalk Day’s theme, the group added “Defund Planned Parenthood” underneath their artwork.
Fort Hays State University (FHSU) Students for Life
FHSU Students for Life creatively added a floral vine amidst some shocking stats about Planned Parenthood, bringing to attention the reality behind the organization. Because of the abortion giant’s extensive death-filled track record, the group had a hard time narrowing down which facts to add.
Kaley Heck, Mount Carmel Academy (LA)
Pro-lifer Kaley Heck crafted a beautiful display of flowers surrounding this work of art’s focal piece: a preborn child. On the edges of her work, she fittingly wrote, “It’s not a choice, it’s a human being,” emphasizing the humanity of preborn children.
Kennesaw State University (KSU) Students for Life
KSU Students for Life’s chalk art featured a preborn child within a heart-shaped “womb” and pointed out the basic biological fact that many pro-aborts cannot come to terms with: “Life begins at conception”!
Pro-Life Middle School Student, Most Pure Heart of Mary School (KS)
This talented middle school student illustrated a depiction of Jesus, who is shown lovingly watching over a preborn child. Her art kindly reminded passers-by that life has invaluable worth, and that God’s creates all of us out of love!
Newton Classical Conversations Students for Life
This group’s fantastic art depicts a preborn child surrounded by a heart and “Equal rights for all.” They also chose a couple key pro-life Bible verses, one of which is Psalm 139:14, which reads: “I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; that I know very well.”
Honorable mention goes to the adorable baby, who is a perfect mascot for Chalk Day, pictured to the left.
Roncalli High School Royals4Life
These pro-life highschoolers stole the show with a beautiful color splash, depicting a pregnant mother and preborn child’s journey to entering one another’s arms. The neon picture is bookended with two phrases, including a citation for Jeremiah 1:5, which reads:
“Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you; before you were born, I sanctified you; and I ordained you a prophet to the nations.”
Displayed below was the rightful conclusion: “So Love Them Both.”
Somerset Homeschool Students for Life
Representing her homeschool group, this student created a meaningful piece of art that reminds Christians where our pro-life values come from: God Himself. Her cross-shaped chalk drawing centers a preborn baby, and the four points of the cross include these messages: “Respect Life,” “Protect Life,” “Love Them Both,” and “Let Little Children Come.”
University of Montana Students for Life
Going along beautifully with this semester’s theme, this group depicted both the harms of abortion with the poignant message of “Defund Planned Parenthood,” as well as the fact that both a born mother and a preborn child have a heart that should be protected. (A preborn baby’s heart begins beating around 21 days’ gestation.) If you look closely at the pregnant mother pictured and the baby within her womb, you can see two red hearts.
University of Wisconsin – River Falls Students for Life
This group had a huge circular display of pro-life messages to look and marvel at. In the above photo, you can see several such statements, including “A Life is a Life, No Matter How Small,” “Life Should Be Protected at Every Stage,” and “Choose Life.” We were very drawn by their preborn baby pictured inside a sunflower — because like the sun, children do light up our lives — and by their brilliantly done Students for Life of America (SFLA) logo, which is a candle enlightening another one while encased in purple.
Like every Chalk Day, we had a tough time selecting these top ten artworks. We thank each person who participated in this meaningful event and submitted photos of their creations! We look forward to seeing more marvelous photos next time. Stay tuned for information about Spring National Pro-Life Chalk Day on Tuesday, March 18.
Voting is closed.
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