Pro-Life and Ready to Present? Apply to Speak at NPLS ’25 Pro-Life Innovation Workshop

Jordan Estabrook - 15 Oct 2024

Are you pro-life and full of ideas to present for the Pro-Life Generation (PLG)? Now’s your chance to apply to present at our Pro-Life Innovation Workshop at our 2025 National Pro-Life Summit.   

We want to hear your best ideas, strategies, proven methods for success, or areas of play in communities or in the national narrative that the pro-life movement needs to engage and act.  

LEARN MORE: Students for Life of America’s National Pro-Life Summit, Themed “Leading the Pro-Life Revolution,” to Feature FOX News Commentator Kayleigh McEnany & Dr. Ben Carson

Below are the requirements: 

  • Anyone 18 years old and up may apply.  
  • Need to have some experience on campus or in the community doing pro-life outreach. 
  • Provide their travel to Washington, D.C., and be available to present at the event on Saturday, January 25, 2025.  

The five applicants Students for Life of America (SFLA) choose to present will get ten minutes during the Pro-Life Innovation Workshop to present their innovation, a ticket for the presenter and a guest to attend The National Pro-Life Summit, and a two-night stay (one room) at the JW Marriott.  

Suppose you’ve been thinking of or working on a proven technique or idea for outreach (marketing, messaging, in-person outreach, etc.). If something needs to be exposed and addressed for our movement, or if you have a way to talk about an issue that needs to be addressed or messaged well, we encourage you to apply to present. All presentations must include an action item for the audience to take home and implement.   

Applications are due by Friday, November 15, 2024. The five speakers will be chosen and announced on Monday, December 2, 2024. To fill out the application, click here.  

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