Media Matters thinks they unearthed earth-shattering abortion remarks spoken by vice presidential nominee J.D. Vance multiple times on-air. So basically, it wasn’t “unearthed,” it was already on the surface of it.

Vance, Ohio senator and Yale Law graduate, believes Roe v. Wade was a badly decided decision, just like Dredd Scott v. Sandford, overturned by the 14th Amendment in 1868, summarized by the National Archives:
“In this ruling, the U.S. Supreme Court stated that enslaved people were not citizens of the United States and, therefore, could not expect any protection from the federal government or the courts. The opinion also stated that Congress had no authority to ban slavery from a Federal territory.” (emphasis added)
Two weeks after the U.S. Supreme Court reversed Roe, J.D. Vance went on the Bruce Hooley Show stating the obvious. As reported by The New Republic:
“You know, Dred Scott, one of the famous pro-slavery decisions by the Supreme Court, I don’t think anybody wants that to remain law. So, I do think that we look at these decisions very often, and we say, look, these things just don’t make any sense anymore. They haven’t held up very well. They haven’t solved the problem they were meant to solve. They don’t comport with the Constitution, obviously. That’s the most important thing that very few people talk about.”
“So, yeah, this is ultimately—this is a good thing,” said Vance of Roe’s demise.

Roe is the infamous U.S. Supreme Court case that made a federal ruling on the “right to choose,” succinctly summarized by the National Constitution Center:
“The Supreme Court agreed, holding that the right of privacy, inherent in the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment, protects a woman’s choice to have an abortion.” (emphasis added)
Media Matters thought they took another shot at Vance when they “unearthed” 2021 audio from the show The Catholic Current that was even more obvious:
“There’s something comparable between abortion and slavery, and that while the people who obviously suffer the most are those subjected to it, I think it has this morally distorting effect on the entire society.” (emphasis added)
Vance’s thesis about abortion and slavery is supported by his Hooley comments in a few different ways.
Dred and Roe had to go. Dred allowed for the inexcusable – considering Black Americans less than human and not allowing them the right to vote. Also similarly, Roe gave federal power to abortion, depriving rights permitted by the 14th Amendment to the preborn. Under Roe, women had the “right to privacy” argued under the 14th Amendment while completely neglecting the 14th Amendment rights of the preborn. The most significant difference, however, is that Roe didn’t end abortion like Dred ended Black Americans being barred from American citizenship. Instead, Roe sent abortion back to the state legislature for them to decide if the preborn deserved life or only life at a certain point.
Abortion and slavery are comparable because the people subjected to these unjust laws, whether it be Black Americans or the preborn, the ones who suffer the most are the ones the law is aimed at. The most significant difference, however, is that Black Americans joined Americans of other ethnicities to fight racism by ending slavery, segregation, and biased voting and citizenship. In the case of the preborn, they have no voice and no power, physically or mentally, to fight back. They remain the most vulnerable among us.
Since Vance became Former President Donald Trump’s Vice President pick, he has backpedaled on the issue, using Trump’s “state’s issues” line.

“My view is that Donald Trump is the leader of the Republican Party, and his views on abortion are going to be the views that dominate this party and drive this party forward,” Vance said to Fox News’ Sean Hannity.
He’s also incorrect about Chemical Abortion Pills. When speaking to NBC’s Meet the Press, he said, “On the question of the abortion pill the Supreme Court made a decision in saying that the American people should have access to that medication, Donald Trump has supported that opinion, I support that opinion.”
READ: Pro-Life Sen. Vance Is Unfortunately Wrong About Chemical Abortion Pills
The U.S. Supreme Court didn’t affirm Chemical Abortion Pills – they sent the case back for further review. However, he’s right about slavery and abortion, and Media Matters, once again, didn’t uncover anything groundbreaking. Vance will be a grand champion for vulnerable families as Vice President, and we hope he’ll hold firm to his pro-life, anti-Roe views, advocating for the 14th Amendment for all, born or preborn.
READ NEXT: Could’ve Been Aborted: Vice Presidential Nominee J.D. Vance’s Rags to Riches Story
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