Vanessa was coerced into getting an abortion by her boyfriend at the time, but in the Chemical Abortion Pill process, she changed her mind.

Students for Life of America (SFLA) ends this summer’s ALMOST ABORTED stories with Vanessa’s story of choosing life halfway through her chemical abortion, and thankfully, her daughter lived. ALMOST ABORTED is a six-figure national messaging campaign has shared multiple inspiring stories alongside Vanessa, including Faith, Rebecca, Josiah, Angela, Lily, Hope, Mia, Micaella, Tina, Karen, Rose, Melissa, Kristan, and Abigail.
While living in California, Vanessa found out she was pregnant, and her boyfriend was less than pleased. He pressured me to get Chemical Abortion Pills, and she ended up taking the first one before changing my mind and starting the Abortion Pill Reversal process.
“When I first found out I was pregnant, I was really excited and couldn’t stop touching my belly,” Vanessa told SFLA. “I’ve always been pro-life…”
Vanessa soon learned that her boyfriend didn’t feel the same way. Even worse, he wanted her to have an abortion.
“He said that we needed to make an appointment for an abortion right away,” said Vanessa. “I felt pressured, and I didn’t know what else to do. I loved him for five years. I always thought we would have a family.”
Not only did she receive pressure from her boyfriend, but also his mother, the grandmother of her preborn child. With mounting pressure and feeling like she was out of options, she decided to get an abortion at Planned Parenthood. She describes the Planned Parenthood workers offering no emotional care or help and wanted her to take the first of two pills of the Chemical Abortion Pill regimen before she left the office.
“I kept looking at the ultrasound picture, and I just kept thinking, ‘this is not what I want,” said Vanessa.
Vanessa found a clinic in California that offered the Abortion Pill Reversal (APR), which gives progesterone to the preborn baby. Thankfully, Vanessa decided in time, and the life of her baby girl was saved.
The day Vanessa’s daughter was born was the happiest day of her life, and although it’s not all rainbows and sunshine, Vanessa wants women empowered to choose life for their child, even during a chemical abortion – there’s still a way. Learn more about Abortion Pill Reversal from Heartbeat International.
To hear more stories of those walking among us who were Almost Aborted, visit Almost Aborted | Pressured but not Persuaded.
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