GUEST POST: As members of the Pro-Life Generation, Students for Life of America (SFLA) knows building a culture of life isn’t just saving lives from abortion. Our intention is both to save lives through helping women choose life and supporting mothers after their baby is born.

While we have incredible resources such as Standing With You, Students for Life Action (SFLAction) advocates for federal Child Tax Credit expansion, which is great way to advocate for life through legislation that upholds human dignity and serves communities.
What is the Child Tax Credit exactly? The CTC is a bipartisan bill ensuring families are empowered to raise children in America without feeling financially strained. This is a part of SFLAction’s Post-Roe Blueprint, which includes supporting pregnant and parenting women on campus and encouraging family-friendly employment. CTC, along with the Pregnant Students’ Right Act and the Pregnant Parenting Women and Families Act, paves the way forward, and I’m excited to be a part of it.
There are tangible benefits for by winning the fight for life in law through the Child Tax Credit:
- Parents would be able to keep more of what they have earned throughout the year. This would help them afford necessary items such as diapers and formula, all of which are important in supporting children in their early years.
- Parents may feel financial pressure to abort, especially in cases of a fetal diagnosis or a belief that they may not be able to provide for their child.
- The Child Tax Credit is not a social welfare program, but rather a bipartisan effort to empower families with their own resources to raise children in America.
At North Dakota State University, our SFLA group are involved in supportive services by sharing resources on campus and working with local pregnancy resource centers to meet the needs of women. We have engaged in fundraisers to donate items such as toys to families who can’t afford them, written letters and handwritten notes to show support to women and volunteered in our community.
While we know these actions in our community matter, we can also support women through pro-women and pro-baby legislation, and that’s exactly we did in North Dakota.

Recently, my group, Students for Life at North Dakota State University, became a tiny piece in the blueprint as we lobbied in Fargo to show North Dakota’s federal elected officials the importance of upholding Child Tax Credit benefits.
We were joined by Students for Life of Grand Forks to show support for this expansion from multiple North Dakota schools. By sharing personal reasons why we are pro-life, we displayed the impact of enacting CTC and how it would truly have an impact on campus and in our community. We were able to explain how they could help meet the needs of families, both in North Dakota and beyond.
Being pro-life means meeting the needs of women and their families so that no woman stands alone on campus or in her community, and we encourage other pro-life advocates to do the same – reach out to your legislature and share your stories. Educate people on what CTC is. It’s bipartisan, and it’s something that every American citizen should be interested in. By protecting life in both law and supporting their needs, we can build a culture that celebrates and sees dignity in all life.
Join the Pro-Life Generation today in supporting Child Tax Credit in your state!
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