Amidst the shouting, chanting, middle fingers, Plan B handouts, chemical abortion “killer” robot, and vulgar signs, Students for Life of America (SFLA) remained undeterred in the face of opposition. Some of SFLA’s craziest moments became the media’s biggest hits. Read how SFLA’s SCOTUS Squad, students, and staff made waves at the U.S. Supreme Court and digitally across the nation.

The Guardian: Lydia Taylor Gets the Middle Finger…Repeatedly.
SFLA spokesperson Lydia Taylor did “man on the street” styled interviews to engage abortion advocates on their thirst to protect chemical abortions. One protestor repeatedly shoved her middle finger into Taylor’s face, as accurately depicted by The Guardian in a recent article entitled “Clashing convictions mark protests as US supreme court weighs abortion pill.”

The Epoch Times: SFLA Pushing Back Against the “Arizona Right to Abortion Initiative”
The recent SCOTUS hearing is one of many contentious abortion initiatives happening, including Arizona’s “Right to Abortion Initiative” which, according to The Epoch Times, “potentially adding to the state constitution the right to unlimited abortion up to the point of birth, removing safety standards at abortion clinics, eliminating the requirement that a medical doctor perform the abortion, and excluding parents of minors from the decision-making process.”
SFLA among other pro-life groups were named as forerunners by The Epoch Times in the battle to protect women and children and keep this extreme measure from passing.
Breitbart: 13 Abortion Activists Get Arrested
The early morning of the SCOTUS hearing, 13 abortion activists were arrested for ” “illegally blocking the roads and then a walkway,” according to a police spokesperson. Pushing aside the fact that our own students and staff were arrested for much less in the past, like doodling pro-life messages on the sidewalk, at least over a dozen protestors were held accountable for illegal action.
By sharing SFLA images, Breitbart puts SFLA front and center in their article just as they were center stage at the U.S. Supreme Court.
See the images for yourself:
The Hill: Executive Vice President Tina Whittington and SFLA Staff Front and Center
In The Hill’s recent article over abortion-lover’s panic regarding Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito’s Comstock Act interest, Executive Vice President Tina Whittington is visible among SFLA and pro-abortion zealots.
Staff member Savanna Deretich was front and center of The Hill’s video news recap.
AP: Telling the Truth About Chemical Abortion Pills’ Human and Environmental Impact
Savanna Deretich, SFLA government affairs coordinator, spoke to AP about what Chemical Abortion Pills do to women. While AP cut clips of women calling this “medication” safe, Savanna told the truth about the deadly pill, stating, “They’re hurting our women and children, but they’re tainting our water supply and environment.”
SCOTUSBlog: SFLA’s Amicus Brief Noted in Food and Drug Administration v. Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine
Included in the SCOTUSBlog was SFLA’s amicus brief regarding mifepristone’s effect on the environment.

“The Food and Drug Administration failed to consider the impact Mifepristone could have on the environment, specifically on endangered species or listed habitats, when approving Mifepristone in 2000, and its generic form in 2019, and when making changes to the Mifepristone Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy (“REMS”) in 2016, 2021, and 2023.”
The FDA must be barred from approving Mifepristone or modifying the associated regimen
(including the REMS) until after conducting the required consultation with the Services as required by the ESA. Before allowing Mifepristone for human consumption, use outside of a medical setting, and disposal into the environment, the FDA must first consult with the Services to determine the extent and effects that such actions may have on listed endangered or threatened species or designated critical habitats in the FDA’s action area (i.e., the United States and its territories). Without the required consultation, the FDA should not take action such as approval of a drug or updates to a drug’s REMS.”
Other Mentions: The Stream and NOTUS
During Taylor’s pro-abortion interviews, Al Perrotta, managing editor of The Stream, noted Taylor’s sharp thinking and unwavering devotion to life, writing:
“If I had to pick one image to capture the two sides of the abortion debate in 2024, it would have to be this shot of a young woman from Students for Life interviewing/challenging an older woman who reeked of disdain and anger. With the steadiness of a surgeon, she sliced the older woman’s arguments, while remaining unrattled in the face of insults and eyerolls.”
Executive Vice President Tina Whittington spoke to NOTUS about the political implications and the importance of politicians appealing to pro-life voters.

“If you want to get pro-lifers to come out and door-knock for you and be excited to go to the ballot and vote for you, then yes, you have got to have a clear policy,” said Tina. “We’re an important voting bloc, and I tell you, there’s a lot of people who vote pro-life first and vote pro-life only.”
In Moving Pictures: SFLA’s Video Bombs the Media
It was difficult for the media to ignore SFLA’s SCOTUS squad as they quickly became a center piece for the pro-life side. MSNBC captured video of SCOTUS squad shouting, “Protection at Conception!”
Felipe Avila, National Leaders Collective fellow, spoke to WUSA9 regarding FDA’s approval of the deadly drug.
SCOTUS Squad was also seen on:
We’ll add these to our ever-growing list of times SFLA’s pro-life message took on mainstream media.
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