This past weekend, The Pro-Life Generation gathered together in Washington D.C. for what some call the “pro-life Super Bowl.” Students for Life of America (SFLA) and Students for Life Action (SFLAction) team members and students participated in the National Pro-Life March, visited Capitol Hill, and hosted the National Pro-Life Summit, the largest training event for the pro-life movement in America. In case you missed it, here’s what the media had the say about this pro-life weekend:
National Coverage
The 19th: Even at March for Life, abortion opponents don’t talk about a national ban
Associated Press: In snowy DC, the March for Life rallies against abortion with an eye toward the November elections
CBS News: Abortion opponents at March for Life appreciate Donald Trump, but seek a sharper stance on the issue
“Ony Otiocha, a 20-year-old college student at North Carolina State University and the president of the campus’ Students for Life group, believes life begins at conception and men should have a voice in abortion policy…”

CBS News: March for Life returns to Washington, D.C.
CNN: Anti-abortion advocates look to state legislatures at the second post-Roe March for Life
Daily Wire: Tens Of Thousands Expected To Join March For Life In Snowy D.C.
“A lot of people have been saying, ‘We need to stay local, because the decision has been returned to the states,’” said Kristan Hawkins, the president of Students for Life, according to The Washington Post. She added that the pro-life movement still has a lot of work to do at the federal level and emphasized the importance of the 2024 elections which will determine who takes the White House and which party controls Congress.”
The Daily Caller: ‘All Unite For Pre-Born Rights!’: Thousands Gather To Attend March For Life Amid Massive Snowstorm
Epoch Times (Reposted, Zero Hedge): Most Young Voters Want Abortion Limits, Say Legal Rights Begin In Womb: Poll
Epoch Times: Pro-Lifers Brave Snow in Washington to Push Greater Abortion Restrictions After Post-Dobbs Losses
Fox News: Pro-life voters reveal how they really feel about Trump’s stance on abortion
Fox and Friends: Fox & Friends Features the Pro-Life Generation and National Pro-Life Summit
New York Times: Abortion Opponents March in Washington, With Obstacles Ahead
PJ Media: U.S. Youth Become More Pro-Life – Republicans, Take Note
Washington Post (Reposted): Thousands gather in D.C. for second March for Life since fall of Roe
Additional recorded and live interviews were conducted on Newsmax and One America News Network.
International Coverage
BBC (Reposted, Yahoo): March for Life: Anti-abortion movement stalls as election year politics loom
“The pro-life generation knows when November 2024 comes around there’s only going to be one option,” said Kristan Hawkins, president of the influential anti-abortion group Students for Life.

“The thing about President Trump is that he’s a man that prides himself on making his deals and keeping his deals,” Ms Hawkins said. “He made a deal with the pro-life movement in 2016 and I’m holding him to that deal.”
The Guardian: ‘They hate God’: US anti-abortion activists aim to fight back on 51st Roe anniversary
The Guardian (Reposted, MSN): ‘We will never go away’: anti-abortion activists meet in Washington to plan further bans
Local Coverage
ABC 6: The Catholic University of America Marches for Life in 2024
ABC 33: Thousands brave snow and cold for March for Life in DC
Fox 26: Thousands brave snow and cold for March for Life in DC

Fox 5 DC: March for Life 2024: Thousands brave snow to rally against abortion rights
Erie Times-News: Erie anti-abortion group, People for Life, heading to 51st March for Life in D.C.
“The anti-abortion group, which has traveled by bus to the March for Life every year since the first March on Jan. 22, 1974, will send roughly 55 Erie-area residents, to include 20 Gannon University students representing the Students for Life organization, to participate in the event.”
Wisconsin State Journal: In snowy DC, the March for Life rallies against abortion with an eye toward the November elections
WJTV 12: In snowy DC, the March for Life rallies against abortion with an eye toward the November elections
School and Religious Affiliated News Networks
Alateia: CUA to hold Pep Rally before March for Life in DC

Church Pop: March for Life Supporters Share Their Beautiful Testimonies: “Everyone Deserves a Chance at Life”
“Today is a special March for me as my oldest child, Gunner, and my mom, Marla, are here with me. Gunner and my Mom were last year in utero when I was nine months pregnant with him and she was chasing me around telling me to stop carrying heavy boxes of signs,” Hawkins posted.
“Today, my prayer is that Gunner’s life will be transformed like so many tens of thousands of young people, and he learns our family business is abolishing abortion.”
CBN: The House Passed These Pro-Life, Pro-Women Bills Ahead of 51st March for Life
The Christan Post: March for Life attendees split on who they’re backing in 2024 presidential election
The College Fix: Student leader’s ‘simple words of encouragement’ save baby’s life
Liberty University: Liberty University students stand for the lives of the unborn at annual March for Life
“Last year, for the first time, Liberty students were selected to hold the banner that leads off the march, and Liberty student Summer Smith, who served as president of the Students for Life club at Liberty, spoke at the pre-march rally.”

LifeNews.com: New Poll Shows Young Americans are Becoming More Pro-Life, Voters 18-40 Want More Abortion Limits
Inside Higher Ed: Christian Colleges Navigate Abortion Debates in a Post-Roe World
The Stream: ‘All Unite for Pre-Born Rights!’: Tens of Thousands Gather to Attend March for Life Amid Massive Snowstorm
“I support any candidate who will pledge to stand with us, at minimum, to sign a national heartbeat protection law if that goes to their desk,” said Kristan Hawkins, the president of Students for Life of America, to the DCNF, who also identified efforts to curb chemical abortion pills as a priority. Laws that ban abortion after a fetal heartbeat is detected have been enacted by several states, and effectively prohibit abortion after five to six weeks of pregnancy.”
Relevant Radio: Kristan Hawkins Reports from the March for Life 2024 (Special Podcast Highlight)
OSV News: March for Life 2024 aims to make abortion ‘unthinkable’ in American culture
Hopefully, these news clips will encourage you to come stand with us for life next year. You can learn more about this opportunity by clicking HERE.
READ NEXT: Roe Has Been Reversed — But We Still Need to Reverse the Lie It Fed to Women 51 Years Ago Today
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