It’s a bad page in the book of history when society begins to praise international criminals, and The Guardian’s effusively flattering interview with the Dutch “doctor” who specializes in breaking pro-life laws shows just how far we have strayed from the truth. Far be it from us to esteem the vocation of motherhood as an important and honorable role — but breaking multiple countries’ laws to kill preborn children and harm women in the process? Don’t make Western society swoon. Here’s what you need to know about Dr. Rebecca Gomperts from this recent interview:
A doctor from the Netherlands, Gomperts has made it her business to destroy families via Chemical Abortion Pills for profit for several years. Her operation sends the life-ending pills into countries in which abortion is restricted, and she will make her sale regardless of the means to the end — no matter who she hurts or what laws she breaks.
The Guardian journalist Poppy Noor gives an example of this, writing: “Gomperts is a doctor who has gone to extraordinary lengths to circumvent abortion restrictions around the world, including parking her boat in international waters outside of countries like Poland to administer abortions.”

Just because one has gone to “extraordinary lengths” does not mean those lengths were good. In some cases — indeed in this one — measures can be extraordinarily evil. Sure, what Gomperts did was a big move, but it was made for the purpose of blood money, for the act of abortion. It was a big, bad move.
Noor continues in her lavish praise of Gomperts, citing the new difficulties she faced in sourcing the Chemical Abortion Pills during the COVID-19 pandemic. Many countries shut down during 2020, and that included India, which is where she obtained mifepristone — the first drug component in the Chemical Abortion Pill regimen. Mifepristone is taken first as the drug blocks the hormone progesterone which eventually kills a preborn baby of starvation. Misoprostol, the second drug, is taken afterwards to induce “labor” to flush the dead preborn child out of the mother’s body.
Finding herself without one of her products, what was Gomperts to do — give up selling death and return to a life-affirming, respectable occupation? Nope.
Noor writes, “[M]ifepristone wasn’t available to her any more…So she pivoted. She trialled misoprostol-only abortions, as that drug was more easily available outside India. The results weren’t ideal, but they were much better than nothing.”

What exactly does “the results weren’t ideal” mean?
According to a report by the Charlotte Lozier Institute, less-than-ideal results are probably referencing the fact that one-pill Chemical Abortion regimens are drastically more dangerous for women as they fail almost one in four times. The failure of Chemical Abortion can lead to injury, infertility, and even maternal death – so saying “the results weren’t ideal” is an astounding minimization of the huge danger the one-pill Chemical Abortion regimen is.
The report, written by Senior Fellow and Director of Medical Affairs Ingrid Skop (M.D., F.A.C.O.G.) and entitled, “Induced Abortion with Misoprostol Alone,” states:
“Evidence from around the globe demonstrates that misoprostol alone is a poor abortifacient and very likely to cause injury to women…These recommendations by abortion advocates in the media demonstrate conclusively that their goal is not the safety and well-being of women, but merely the death of as many unborn humans as possible through expansion of abortion by any means.”

Gomperts finishes her interview with Noor by fearmongering and charging women to stockpile on Chemical Abortion Pills like they would food in a storm or war zone — because who knows how many preborn babies will need to be killed? She says:
“Just get the medication now, get it in your house, get it in your hands. If you’re in a war zone, and the war is coming, you also make sure you have enough food in your house. This is how it feels. It really is a war. It’s a war on women.”
Abortion is a war on women — and men, too. Both are affected by the ravages of abortion as both men and women begin their lives as preborn children in the womb, and both adult men and women suffer serious guilt and regret post-abortion. However, to call the end of abortion “a war” is a complete turning of truth on its head.
READ NEXT: Most Abortions Are Coerced & the Results Are Disastrous for Women’s Mental Health
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