Once a year, the Pro-Life Generation participates in National Pro-Life Chalk Day; a day in which life-affirming messages and designs are chalked around school campuses and communities. To make this day of creative pro-life activism even more fun, Students for Life of America (SFLA) always picks our top ten winners — and this year, it was pretty hard to choose. Our students’ submissions were top-notch, but we managed to pick our favorites.
Now, it’s your turn. Vote below on which of these ten submissions are your top three favorite chalk drawings.
#1 Anoka Ramsey Community College
At Anoka Ramsey Community College, the SFLA group on campus created colorful chalk messages with empowering sentiments. In big, bold letters, one read, “Choose Life.” Another message read, “Women Can Be Empowered Without Abortion.” Amen to that! Check out their work below:

#2 University of Northwestern – Carrena Falls
At the University of Northwestern, the SFLA group on campus decided to go humorous with their submission — and we loved it! Their simple (yet hilarious) chalking just reads “Roe v. Wade,” but the kicker is that the message is accompanied by an arrow which points to a nearby trashcan. The obvious message? Roe v. Wade is trash — and now is in the ash heap of historical bad decisions. Cheers for a Post-Roe America! Check out their work below:

#3 Wake Technical Community College
Going back to positive and colorful, the SFLA group at Wake Technical Community College emblazoned their sidewalks with a multitude of pro-life messages and symbols, including “Pro-Life is Pro-Woman,” “Aren’t We All Human After All,” and “Love Them Both.” The messages were surrounded by beautiful depictions of a pregnant mother, a heartbeat symbol, pink and blue baby feet, and a preborn child. Check out their work below:

#4 Kearney Catholic High School
At this high school, the campus SFLA group decided to go whimsical and use a Dr. Seuss quote to remind their classmates that inside or outside the womb, your life is still valuable. They drew a preborn baby inside a Seuss-esque flower (with appropriate coloring to boot) and chalked the quote, “A person’s a person no matter how small.” Check out their work below:

#5: New Mexico State University
Some members of the SFLA group on campus are clearly art students (or at least they could be) because this work of art done in chalk is so life-like. Surrounded by a circle of flowers and pro-life messages, including “Them Love Both,” these students drew a gorgeous picture of a happy mother beaming at the baby she is holding in her arms. The pose looks as though she has just thrown him playfully in the air and caught him. Check out their work below:

#6: North Dakota State University Collegians for Life
At North Dakota State University, the SFLA group drew a beautiful rendition of a baby which can be interpreted several different ways. How someone can take chalk and make it look like that is beyond us. The Pro-Life Generation is clearly talented. Check out their work below:

#7: Sacred Heart Home Educators Students for Life
Another unique choice for chalking, these homeschool SFLA students chose to talk about the reality of post-abortive trauma in their chalking. Their big-lettered message read, “There is hope and healing after abortion,” and as resources for women, they included in their writing Standing With You, Rachel’s Vineyard, and Project Rachel. Check out their work below:

#8: St. Pius X & St. Matthias Academy
This SFLA group chose to draw a life-like, young, preborn child in the womb, surrounding the realistic chalking with the words, “Sacred, Care, Hope, Future, Love.” They did an amazing job depicting what we humans look like in the womb. Check out their work below:

#9: University of Montana
At the University of Montana, the campus SFLA group made their chalking both life-affirming and patriotic. They drew an enormous American flag, and over top the white and red stripes, they chalked the words, “Let America Live.” In the blue section of the flag (normally where the 50 stars would be), the students drew a preborn child. What creativity! Check out their work below:

#10: University of Scranton
Go big or go home, right? This campus SFLA group filled an entire courtyard with pro-life messages, including “Life is Precious,” “Pro-Life is Pro-Love,” “Need Resources? StandingWithYou.org,” “Every Life is Valuable,” “You Are Loved,” and “How Can There Be Too Many Children? That is Like Saying There Are Too Many Flowers.” Check out their work below:

READ NEXT: The Losers of National Pro-Life Chalk Day: The Abortion Lobby
Vote below on which of these ten submissions are your top three favorite chalking!
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