This is a historic moment. Since the leak of the majority draft Supreme Court opinion in favor of reversing Roe v. Wade, abortion advocates have increased their violence and protests. Life is winning and our opponents are not happy about it. We must be prepared to respond to their events and peacefully bring the pro-life message.
Students for Life of America has established a five-pronged approach to abolishing abortion in this lifetime. One of our 5 Pillars is Rapid Response – the act of identifying, exposing, and countering the abortion industry with a truthful pro-life message.  As members of the Post-Roe Generation, we must be a light in the darkness at these pro-abortion events and safely bring the message of life wherever we go.
That’s why we created a How to Rapidly Respond Guide for YOU to use to in your response to events on your campus and in your community effectively and safely.
We are fighting to end the legal injustice of abortion and our mission is to create a culture of life where abortion is illegal and unthinkable. To create a Post-Roe culture and join SFLA’s efforts, check out our Post-Roe Action Center.
Utilize this Post-Roe Checklist to ensure that your group is ready to create a Post-Roe culture on your campus!
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