GUEST POST: Continuing their on-going attacks on the preborn, the World Health Organization (WHO) recently issued radical new measures to legalize abortion at any point, for any reason during pregnancy, and without any restrictions. The guidelines demonstrate how the “world’s most influential health organization” is using its voice in the international community to advocate for abortion on demand while claiming anything else “violates women’s rights.” We dare to ask—what about the rights of the preborn?
If you think the WHO’s guidelines don’t influence U.S. policy, you didn’t pay attention during the COVID-19 pandemic. Bureaucrats at health agencies, such as the WHO, wield power in shaping health policy standards, as well as influencing U.S. decision makers. At Students for Life of America, we are pushing back against the WHO’s recommendations on abortion to become U.S. policy — –here’s why.

The WHO’s guidance on abortion:
- Allows abortion under any and all circumstances and rules out laws that prohibit abortion because the baby is the “wrong” sex.
- Endangers women’s health by eliminating the requirement for physicians to approve abortion.
- Elicits the free flow of abortion pills after a mere phone call.
- Impedes on the medical conscience rights of religious medical professionals who don’t support abortion.
Extreme policies proposed by the WHO are dangerous for women’s health and morally compromise the conscience of physicians who don’t commit abortions.
The harmful effects of administering an abortion without the supervision of an abortionist or nurse are unwise and risky. Chemical Abortion has four times the risk of surgical abortion and can lead to injury, infertility, and even death.

During the COVID crisis, abortion supporters in the U.S. pushed for more distribution of Chemical Abortion pills without health and safety standards that — before Biden came into office – were in place to protect women.
In fact, the risks to women taking Chemical Abortion pills are illustrated in a shocking trend noted by the Charlotte Lozier Institute. They report: “The rate of abortion-related emergency room visits following a chemical abortion increased over 500% from 2002 through 2015, according to an analysis of Medicaid claims data. Over the same period, chemical abortions within the study population increased from 4.4% to 34.1% of total abortions.”

During COVID, England also allowed for risky distribution of Chemical Abortion pills; a move they are considering rolling back, citing reasons like concern for women in domestic violence situations who may be pressured to take the pills.
The WHO doesn’t stop with recommendations for reckless distribution of Chemical Abortion pills, either. Those in the medical community who do not wish to commit an abortion for religious or other reasons are morally compromised by their guidance. The “do it or else” noncompliance message sent by the WHO is a direct violation of conscience rights.

Curiously excluded from the guidance is the preborn – their humanity, needs, and rights are all ignored. While abortions are dangerous for the mother, they are always deadly for the child in the womb. Students for Life of America will continue to raise issues with the WHO and any health agencies that seek to influence the normalization of abortion.
Click here to listen to Students for Life of America and Students for Life Action President, Kristan Hawkins, Explicitly Pro-Life podcast for more information and resources.
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