Our world today has been told by the progressive movement that nations have to conform to the dogma of the abortion movement. However, many nations want to govern their own country with laws and statutes that are in line with their culture and beliefs. One of those issues is the sanctity and value of human life.
The Trump Administration also holds these views and realized some nations of the world need help standing up against these progressive nations. With this as their core position, the Trump Administration set in motion a Consensus, co-sponsored by five other countries. A total of 31 nations, of ranging economical status, gathered together virtually to make a declaration to the world.
“This Declaration further strengthens the coalition to achieve these four pillars: (1) better health for women, (2) the preservation of human life, (3) strengthening of family as the foundational unit of society, and (4) protecting every nation’s national sovereignty in global politics.” HHS.gov
The Co-Sponsors of the Consensus are Brazil, Egypt, Hungary, Indonesia, and Uganda. These countries, all diverse in culture, religion, and traditions, all know that the family unit is fundamentally critical to the success of society and that every life is valuable. Out of those 31 nations that signed, 20 of them verbalized that, “There is no international right to abortion.” This Declaration emphasizes the value of family support and the value of the next generation. These nations want to secure the best quality of life for the next generation, so their nations can thrive.
This is a huge leap in the global arena for the Pro-Life position. Here we see 20 nations take a verbal stance on the issue. The narrative that “abortion is a human right” is dismantled by this statement by these 20 nations. Even more so, concept of the progressive Americanized idea of abortion being something that the world needs and wants is proven to be false. The truth of the matter is countries do not want abortion and they are tired of being bullied by pro-abortion countries.
This Consensus also proves that abortion is not a foundational element of a successful society. Rather a successful society comes from the empowerment of women to be the best they can be in motherhood. Instead of disempowering women through abortion, the countries signing this Declaration realize that support through the family structure is the best way for a country to flourish.
With this signing, Nations will be able to make their own laws that respect their various cultures and traditions. Secretary Mike Pompeo emphasized that, “…each nation has the sovereign right to implement programs and activities consistent with their laws and policies.” This Consensus is also a pledge to improve the country’s health care for women and the preborn.
This Consensus is also a turning of a new leaf for the middle eastern countries involved. Middle eastern countries have been known to treat women as second-class citizens. However, with this declaration, the middle eastern countries involved signed to give women better health care, and to make sure women are well taken care of. Egypt, for example, has lowered the maternal death rate from 0.174% to around 0.048% over the past few decades.
This consensus was an amazing feat in the protection of human life, born and preborn, as well as the betterment for women across the world to have access to better health care. But more importantly, this Consensus tells the world that “There is no international right to abortion.” Now there are 31 countries to stand up to any nation that tries to say otherwise. This is a HUGE pro-life win.
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