ANNOUNCING: Chalk the Vote National Chalk Day Challenge

Mary Briganti - 16 Oct 2020


Join the Chalk the Vote Challenge Tuesday, October 20th! Register here.

As President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett navigates the hearing process of her confirmation, we will be traveling to key states with our #Justice4Life tour to educate on the importance of pro-life judges.

So, for National Pro-Life Chalk Day, we need you to join these efforts on the sidewalk outside of your local senate office!

Register here!

Students from across the country can enter their chalking to win prizes for the most creative, elaborate, and eye-catching chalk that helps encourages senators to Vote Pro-Life First and confirm Amy Coney Barrett this year. We need a justice for life to reverse Roe v. Wade. Enter for your chance to win CASH prizes and SFLA merchandise for your group!

Here’s How You Can Participate & WIN PRIZES…

  1. Sign up now to participate.
  2. Locate your Senator’s office and find the nearest public sidewalk.
  3. Get some sidewalk chalk (stores like Target, Meijer, & Walmart sell this).
  4. Think of some positive, creative, pro-life messages (or pictures) to chalk in support of Amy Coney Barrett.
  5. Take a picture, post on Facebook and/or Instagram, and tag #StudentsforLife, #ProLifeChalkDay, and #Justice4Life by Friday, October 23rd. Tag your local senator!

Sample Justice4Life Messages

  • Vote Pro-Life First
  • Confirm Amy Coney Barrett
  • #ConfirmACB: Keep Hearts Beating
  • #Justice4Life
  • Men voted Roe in, it will take a women to get it reversed
  • Amy Coney Barrett: Strong as a Mother
  • Protect Life in Law
  • Progress. Justice
  • Pro-Life Representation. Pro-Life Legislation. Pro-Life Nation.
  • 3 reasons to vote pro-life:
  1. To elect judges
  2. Enact legislation
  3. End extremism


Students for Life will select first, second, and third place winners and ship out prizes!

Note: To be eligible for the Prize Competition, make sure you…

  • Register for the challenge.
  • Take good-quality photos of your pro-life chalking.
  • Post to Facebook and/or Instagram and tag #StudentsforLife, #ProLifeChalkDay, and #Justice4Life.
  • Post before 3pm on Friday, October 23rd.

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