Students for Life’s Day in D.C. – Free Speech Violations and Unjust Arrests

Brenna Lewis - 01 Aug 2020


Students for Life of America went to Washington, D.C. this morning to paint a message on the street outside the Planned Parenthood abortion facility: Black Preborn Lives Matter. D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser had opened the streets of the city for “free public expression.” What we didn’t know was that you could only do that and not get arrested if the mayor agreed with what you expressed.

We arrived at 6:00am to commence painting and were met with six police cars, evidence that our request for permission to paint was received more as a warning of where and when to punish us. Planned Parenthood staff themselves informed our group that painting OR sidewalk chalking would not be allowed.

Later, when Students for Life staffer Warner DePriest and a female college student began sidewalk chalking anyway, they were promptly arrested with no Miranda warning and no charges explained until 40 minutes after the arrest. When charges were explained, they weren’t valid – trespassing on private property (false, as the area in question was public sidewalk) and defacement (false, as sidewalk chalk would’ve been gone with the next rain).

SFLA Coverage

Photos from the Day

Video: Live Stream of “Black Preborn Lives Matter” Event in D.C.

Video: Pro-Life Students Arrested Outside of Planned Parenthood

Video: Students for Life Rally/Press Conference Outside of Planned Parenthood

Video: SFLA President Kristan Hawkins Live Reaction to Arrests in D.C.

SFLA Press Release

Media Coverage


Fox News (Tucker Carlson)

Washington Post


Washington Times 


Washington Examiner

Daily Caller

Daily Wire

Daily Caller


Washington Times

The Epoch Times

Mark Levin (below)



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