From the SFLA Blog

Students for Life of America To Continue Campus Outreach Using Online Platforms

Brenna Lewis - 16 Mar 2020

Amidst the coronavirus crisis and the ensuing campus shutdowns, Students for Life of America is continuing to reach out to students on campus and to change hearts and minds using online platforms. We plan on having more details soon, but we can share some information now:

While many students are no longer able to have one-on-one conversations on campuses right now, we are immediately pivoting with our Regional Coordinators to host dozens of online trainings to teach our students leaders and members how to start effective and mind-changing conversations where all young people are right now…online.

If you are a student leader or help advise a pro-life group, now is a good time to reach out to your Regional Coordinator to get involved. By using online platforms like Zoom, we can train people remotely; your whole group does not even need to be in the same place. You can e-mail your Regional Coordinator by e-mailing (yourstate)

Students for Life is going to ramp up our use of our brand-new online training portal, SFLAHQ to further train our Students for Life groups.  You can sign up here to get started!

In addition, we will be announcing an online training opportunity for pro-lifers of any age in the next week. STAY TUNED!

The Students for Life team has been working on a secret project since last summer aimed at converting young adult, mushy middles (those who say they don’t like abortion but are still “pro-choice”) online in a fast, cost-efficient way. Essentially, we’ve taken the talking points we’ve been using on campus to convert and applied them online. And the results have been OUTSTANDING.

We know this is a confusing time and that this has thrown off many Students for Life groups plans. Even though events may be cancelled and on-campus tabling is not going to be a possibility, Students for Life will continue to work to ensure all students are educated about abortion and that we are changing hearts and minds.

Please feel free to reach out to your Regional Coordinator or message us on social media with any questions or ideas.

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