Last night, the Wyoming House passed a budget that included an important new provision; the University of Wyoming will no longer pay for students to have abortions through the university health insurance plan.
The language of the amendment states that the University of Wyoming cannot spend any funds to pay for elective abortions for students.
Chuck Gray, the sponsor of the amendment stated, “Great news! The amendment I brought today that states the University of Wyoming will no longer cover abortions in their student health plan just passed. This stops taxpayer-subsidized abortions at UW. This was a great team effort that will save lives!”
This is a good step and is counter to other states like California, which is forcing taxpayers to pay for RU-486 chemical abortion drugs at all four-year public colleges.
While Representative Gray is a pro-life, conservative, Republican, his legislation is actually supported by a broad spectrum of beliefs. According to a 2019 poll conducted by our Institute of Pro-Life Advancement, most people want at least some limits on abortions and do not want to pay for abortions.
Some of the findings include:
7 of 10 Millennials support limits on abortion through specific policies like parental notification, limiting abortions later in pregnancy like at 5 months of pregnancy, and opposition to government funding of abortion.
Only 7 percent shared the position of the Democratic Party Platform – abortion without any exceptions and funded by tax dollars.
More Millennials than not support Roe’s reversal. Asked directly about support for overturning Roe and returning abortion to the states, 41 percent supported Roe’s reversal.
65 percent of Millennials support the right to vote on abortion-related policy and want a voice on abortion policy
56 percent of Millennials, oppose selling Chemical Abortion drugs on-line or dropping the requirement for a physical exam because of the risks to women.
By about a 3 to 1 margin (48 percent to 17 percent), Millennials said they preferred that their tax monies went to Federally Qualified Health Centers rather than the abortion giant, Planned Parenthood.
51 percent said that they opposed Roe, when they understood it allows for abortion through all 9 months of pregnancy
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