Deliberately allowing a newborn to die is infanticide; Supporting the Born Alive Abortion Survivor’s Protection Act is the only humane choice for legislators.
“Refusing medical care to a baby who survived an abortion is called infanticide. Planned Parenthood calls it ‘business as usual.’ And too many Democrats call it ‘choice.’ Surely, we can come to bi-partisan agreement over providing care to an infant who has been born and needs help,” said SFLA’s Kristan Hawkins.
WASHINGTON D.C. (02-11-2020) – As the Senate Judiciary prepares to hold a hearing entitled “The Infant Patient: Ensuring Appropriate Medical Care for Children Born Alive,” Students for Life President Kristan Hawkins said that support for the Born Alive Abortion Survivor’s Protection Act represents “the bare minimum we should be able to expect from all elected officials. It should not matter that a child has entered the world in an abortion vendor’s office. Since Planned Parenthood and company tells us so often that they provide ‘medical care,’ they should put those skills to work on behalf of an infant who survived his or her abortionist’s grasp.”
MEDIA ADVISORY: Hearing set for 10 a.m. in Room 226 of the Dirksen Senate Office Building.
For those who argue that late-term abortion and infanticide don’t take place, consider this from National Review:“According to estimates from the pro-choice Guttmacher Institute, about 1.3 percent of annual abortions in the U.S. occur after 20 weeks, which does sound rare — until you consider that the Guttmacher also estimates about 926,000 annual abortions, meaning that about 12,000 take place after viability. As Ramesh Ponnuru often points out, that means there are more post-viability abortions each year than gun homicides, according to the most recent FBI estimates.”
Hawkins appeared on Fox News recently discussing the ethics of ignoring babies who are born during an abortion. Click here to hear abortion survivors in their own words.
Click here to read Hawkins’ op-ed at USA Today defending the Single Issue voters who make abortion the reason for their vote.
For interviews or analysis, e-mail Kristi Hamrick at [email protected].
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