Students for Life Action Supports Born-Alive Legislation In West Virginia

Brenna Lewis - 28 Jan 2020

The West Virginia House recently passed legislation that would ensure babies who are born alive during an abortion are provided proper medical care.  HB 4007 requires that the baby born alive during an abortion receives medical care and efforts are taken to keep the baby alive.

In a statement of support, West Virginia resident and Students for Life Director of Programs Lori Cascio stated, “I am glad to see the state of West Virginia continue to protect babies and families from the violence of abortion. House Bill 4007 is necessary legislation that ensures that doctors are held to their oath to protect all human life. After hearing the shocking statements of our neighboring state governor Ralph Northam, where he said doctors and parents should be able to have a discussion about how to treat babies that survive an abortion, it is great to see West Virginia stand for basic human dignity and against infanticide.”

The legislation is currently waiting in the West Virginia Senate.

Kristan Hawkins, president of Students for Life Action previously stated in support of Senator Ben Sasse’s federal legislation to protect babies born alive during an abortion that this legislation is, “the bare minimum standard for valuing infant life, as everyone should be able to look at a baby born during an abortion and understand that a humane response is required.”

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