Students for Life of America Student threatened; “Slit your throat”

Brenna Lewis - 24 Jan 2020

WASHINGTON D.C. (01-24-2020) –A student rallying for life in front of the Supreme Court before the beginning of the National Pro-Life March, Selene Cerankosky was approached and threatened while peacefully protesting. She is president of the Students for Life club at Robert Morris University in Pennsylvania and an intern at SFLA.

The pro-abortion protestor “came up to me, about three inches in front of my face, and told me ‘Back up or I will F—in’ slit your throat.’”

Cerankosky said that while she felt “a little fearful, I wasn’t going to back down because if we make a habit of that, the Pro-Abortion bullies will know to keep employing that tactic. I also knew I was surrounded by Students for Life staff who would have my back.”

During the event, Pro-abortion activists also poured water into the SFLA megaphone trying to silence our voice.

Students for Life Regional Coordinator Stephanie Stone approached police, who investigated, and lead the protestor away after speaking with her.

Stone said: “The pro-life generation is here in a joyful, peaceful and loving manner today, and yet we have seen unprecedented threats of violence.”

Students for Life of America President Kristan Hawkins raced to the Supreme Court to make sure staff and students were safe.

At the Supreme Court, Hawkins said: “I think threats like this just emphasize the utter desperation of the abortion movement in our nation. Their abortion facilities are closing their doors, the abortion numbers are dropping, and this generation increasingly knows the truth about the violence of abortion.”

ALERT: For a Time-Lapsed Video of the Complete National Pro-Life March on Friday (January 24th), go to

For interviews or analysis, e-mail Kristi Hamrick at [email protected].

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