RIGHT NOW, Students for Life of America is outside the office of Nancy Pelosi to urge her to treat abortion survivors like human beings. SFLA Supportive Services Coordinator Camille Cisneros will be speaking alongside the Staunton Public Policy Center and various other pro-life organizations today to call on Speaker Pelosi to allow a vote on a bill seeking to ban infanticide, the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors’ Protection Act.
Camille’s statement:
Dear Speaker Pelosi,
My name is Camille Cisneros, Supportive Services Coordinator with Students for Life of America. Students for Life works with over 1200 pro-life student groups across the country, and we are here, representing those student groups to say, enough is enough.
We cannot stand by and any longer. We are here to oppose the stalling method that you have chosen as your strategy to quietly allow infanticide to remain legal. Because let’s be clear, if you don’t require that a baby born during a botched to get care, we are truly allowing a barbaric reality to continue.
Let’s not forget convicted murdered Dr Kermit Gosnell, the infamous abortionist known for killing babies born during abortions … and Let’s not forget men and women alive today whose birth stories began in an abortion clinic.
Your constituents deserve better than this! Women deserve better than this. Children deserve better than this. The American people deserve better than this. This vote should be a common-sense next step, as rejecting infanticide is not a partisan issue. The Born Alive Abortion Survivor Protection Act simply makes clear in our law…what should already be clear to everyone who believes in the inherent dignity of every human person.
It’s astounding to us that you and your colleagues would stand for something, or rather, just ignore something that so brazenly devalues the human rights of the most vulnerable of our society, the pre-born and just-born.
In a 2019 profile on Speaker Pelosi, written by the Washington Post, Ellen McCarthy claims,
(Quote)“Pelosi credits that chapter of life with making her into the leader she is today: perhaps the most powerful woman in American history and the first to hold the speaker’s gavel. And she hopes that society will begin to view parenting as “a gold star” on any professional résumé.
“That’s one of the hardest things,” Pelosi says. “Makes going to work look easy, doesn’t it?” “. (End Quote)
Motherhood is a gift. It teaches us amazing skills and encourages a bond and relationship like nothing else in this world. Don’t just take my word for it…but those words Speaker Pelosi herself was quoted saying in her 2019 profile. In addition, she admits, that it is one of the key reasons she has become (Quote) “the most powerful woman in America” (End Quote).
Speaker Pelosi, wake up! Allow a vote on the Born Alive Abortions Survivor Act … so the gift of motherhood that you were privileged to enjoy can belong to others, and so innocent children, born alive after an abortion are afforded the rights they deserve.
Babies, the most vulnerable among us, with whole lives to lead ahead of them…who are a gift and a blessing to their family…deserve protections…and at the very LEAST deserve their right to LIFE to be protected after surviving a botched abortion.
This is a serious issue…a human rights issue, and we implore you to allow this bill to be heard on the floor of congress and completely reject infanticide.
The Pro-Life Generation
Appropriate Timing
Every Democrat is in hiding from the pro-life movement today, the anniversary of Roe v. Wade. We are getting ready to (peacefully) take D.C. by storm at the March on Friday. Yet today… all we ask is that newborns be treated as human beings. That’s a pretty reasonable request. But the Democrats just can’t seem to do it.
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