Medical Researchers Carry Out Unethical Research On Young, Mexican Women

Brenna Lewis - 16 Jan 2020

Recently, NPR publicized the results of a highly-unethical study conducted by researchers seeking to test the safety of IVF.

NPR notes, “Researchers have conducted a controversial study that involved paying dozens of young women at a hospital near Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, to get artificially inseminated so their embryos could be flushed out of their bodies and analyzed for research purposes.”

To be clear, “flushed out” means inducing an abortion. Researchers paid young women to get artificially inseminated and then committed an abortion on them, all under the pursuit of “science.”

NPR quotes University of Chicago bioethicist Laurie Zoloth’s concerns about the study. Zoloth stated, “What this essentially does is use a woman’s body as a petri dish…And there’s something about that that seems so profoundly disturbing.”

The study harkens back to a bizarre “art project” at Yale University, where a student, Aliza Shvarts claimed to have artificially inseminated herself and then induced an abortion, although she later appeared to backtrack.

The American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists writes this about the ethics of killing preborn babies during research: “there is no medical indication for elective induced abortion, since it cures no medical disease. In fact, there is no medical indication for elective induced abortion. Pregnancy is not a disease, and the killing of human beings in utero is not medical care. In reality, elective induced abortion is an attempt to resolve a perceived social or political problem by killing human beings in utero.”

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