Category: scotus

SFLA Celebrates Supreme Court Decision Empowering Pro-Life AG Daniel Cameron To Defend Kentucky Children From Dismemberment Abortion
Kristi Hamrick | March 4, 2022
“State officials have the right to defend life in law,” said Students for Life Action and Students for Life of America President Kristan Hawkins. “Today’s ruling by the Supreme Court reaffirms this right. The ruling creates an important precedent that should embolden more states to enact strong protections for the preborn with confidence that their laws will be defended if

SFLAction Calls Biden’s Pick of Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson“an Abortion Supporter so Extreme even Partial Birth Abortion was Acceptable”
Kristi Hamrick | February 25, 2022
Caution: disturbing descriptions & an abortion illustration exist below. “If President Biden thinks to distract the American people from his foreign policy mishaps with a Supreme Court pick, he will be very mistaken. Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson’s record on abortion is so extreme that horrifying late-term abortions will again be in the news,” said SFLAction’s Kristan Hawkins. “If infanticide at the moment

We’ll Give You Something to Cry About And Act On
Caroline Wharton | February 4, 2022
If you think you’ve heard it all, we’re sorry to disappoint you—but you probably haven’t heard something like this before. At Georgetown University Law Center, administrators are considering creating a “cry room” for their legal students. Not quite sure what that is? Let’s break down this break-down room: What’s happened at Georgetown Law? Campus students are supremely offended by tweets

SFLAction: SCOTUS Justice Stephen Breyer Retirement Announcement Won’t Change the Fact that Bad Science + Unconstitutional Overreach Doesn’t Add Up to Abortion on Demand
Kristi Hamrick | January 26, 2022
“Justice Breyer’s retirement is just what the predatory Corporate Abortion political operation has been dreaming about, as their entire model is focused on abusing the courts to take what the voters won’t give – abortion up to birth,” said SFLAction’s Kristan Hawkins. WASHINGTON D.C. (01-26-2022) – Students for Life Action President Kristan Hawkins said today’s retirement announcement of Justice Stephen Breyer

Women Don’t Need Roe v. Wade – Here’s Why
Brenna Lewis | December 1, 2021
The Pro-Life Generation knows how monumental the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health case is in taking a legal swing at Roe v. Wade. That’s why students and team members literally camped out in front of the Supreme Court overnight on November 30th in preparation for the December 1st hearing day for Dobbs. The following is SFLA President Kristan Hawkins’s address on hearing day… Good Morning

Forced Abortion Coverage Hangs in the Balance As SCOTUS Remands New York Case to Lower Court
Caroline Wharton | November 5, 2021
Religious liberty and pro-life supporters are reacting to the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS), as earlier this week, SCOTUS ordered the top New York court to reconsider the religious freedom case, Diocese of Albany v. Emami. This case has galvanized both the pro-life and pro-abortion communities, and the decision to send it back to the NY court has given pro-lifers hope for a decision in their favor. Case Background The Diocese of Albany v. Emami case began after New York

SFLA Launches History Making Bus Tour on the Road to a Roe-Free America
Kristi Hamrick | November 1, 2021
Students for Life of America to Launch History Making Bus Tour On the Road to a Roe-Free America The “See Me Now Live Ultrasound Tour” will roll through 12 Cities & Multiple Stops Ending at the Supreme Court before the historic Dobbs v. Jackson hearing. Link to News release. “Mainstream media and popular culture have often

Don’t Mess with Texas or the Pro-Life Generation: SFLA Rallies at SCOTUS
Kristi Hamrick | October 28, 2021
MEDIA ADVISORY: Don’t Mess with Texas or the Pro-Life Generation: MEET BOTH MONDAY @ SCOTUS Students for Life of America to Rally In Support of Texas’ Right to Protect LIFE IN LAW Starting at 8 a.m., Pro-Life students and activists will Rally in Support of Texas’ attempts to create real protections for preborn infants Interviews available with grassroots

Did You Know the Supreme Court Just Heard an Abortion Case? Here’s What You Need to Know…
Brenna Lewis | October 13, 2021
Just yesterday, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments in the case Cameron v. EMW Women’s Surgical Center. The entire pro-life movement is very focused right now on another upcoming abortion case, Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health, but this Cameron case is not insignificant. That is why our team went to the Supreme Court to rally in support. Here’s what you need to know

We Went to the Supreme Court to Support This Attorney General’s Fight to Outlaw Dismemberment Abortion in His State
Stephanie Stone | October 13, 2021
Yesterday, Students for Life of America rallied in front of the Supreme Court as hearings began for the Cameron v. EMW Women’s Surgical Center case out of Kentucky. Read more in our press release here. The importance of this case is two-fold. In 2018, Kentucky’s government passed H.B. 454, which banned the violent second trimester dismemberment abortion. We know that