Sorting Fact from Fiction: An Upcoming Challenge to Roe v. Wade
Brenna Lewis | May 18, 2021
On May 17th, the Supreme Court made the significant decision to pick up the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health case out of Mississippi. This case, according to SCOTUS Blog, is “a challenge to the constitutionality of a Mississippi law that (with limited exceptions) bars abortions after the 15th week of pregnancy.” Hey hey, ho ho. Roe v. Wade is
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Students for Life Action says that a Historic Opportunity now exists to Review the Supreme Court’s Takeover of Abortion Policy in Roe v. Wade
Kristi Hamrick | May 17, 2021
Hawkins at Twitter: Hey hey, ho ho. Roe v. Wade is going to go! “Today’s news that the Supreme Court has decided to accept the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health case that deals with abortion limits pre-viability is overdue but good news for the Pro-Life Generation,” said Students for Life of America President Kristan Hawkins. “We are ready for a Post-Roe America, where the violence
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THIS is the Case that Could Reverse Roe v. Wade
Brenna Lewis | March 23, 2021
Right now, the Supreme Court of the United States is deliberating picking up the case Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, an abortion case out of Mississippi. The Justices have been stalling big time. And that’s because this case is a really big deal. According to SCOTUS Blog, this is Dobbs v. Jackson in a nutshell: Issues: (1) Whether all
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Abortion Cases on the List for the Supreme Court this Year
Jessica Nardi | February 2, 2021
There’s a lot of uncertainty surrounding the U.S Supreme Court right now. Yes, Justice Amy Coney Barrett, a champion for pro-life women, was confirmed but the continued swirls of whether President Biden will “pack” the court with abortion supporting justices is another question. Meanwhile, there’s a series of abortion-related cases that may be heard by SCOTUS this year. CBSNEWS
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