NEW Prizes for Having Pro-Life Conversations
Lori Cascio | February 7, 2020
Our numbers are still climbing as the TALK Challenge continues this spring with new prizes. During the 2020 Spring Semester, for every 50 conversations logged, you get a $10 Amazon e-gift card! In addition to this prize change, we are also starting a regional competition for the top school in each region to earn their choice of one of the

The 2020 Pregnant on Campus Group of the Year!
Brenna Lewis | February 7, 2020
We were blown away by our Pregnant on Campus Group of the Year, the Texas A&M Pro-Life Aggies! This group has evaluated the needs of their campus to ensure student parents can be successful and pregnant students have hope for a great future. First, the Pro-Life Aggies raised $30,000 in scholarship money to help pregnant and parenting students on their

Countering Sex Week at Ohio State University
Brenna Lewis | February 7, 2020
Has your school ever put on a Sex Week? It’s important for you to be on the lookout because when a Sex Week is happening on campus, that usually means a strong push for abortion is also about to occur. How do we know? Just look at Ohio State’s promotional material below! It’s in these moments that your group needs

How YOU Can Help Pregnant Students Using Title IX
Brenna Lewis | February 7, 2020
When you think about Title IX, what is the first thing that comes to your head? Usually it’s sexual assault or women’s equality in sports, but there’s another aspect of Title IX that directly affects students and isn’t really talked about. It’s pregnancy discrimination. At Students for Life of America, we have the Pregnant on Campus Initiative which exists so
WILD: Mayor Pete Doubles Down On Support For Legalized Infanticide
Brenna Lewis | February 7, 2020
Mayor Pete Buttigieg, who maybe won the Iowa Caucus, recently went on “The View”, where Meghan McCain, one of the few conservative voices on the show, grilled him about his stance on infanticide. WATCH: Pete Buttigieg defends late-term abortion. He claims late-term abortions are due to fetal abnormalities. That’s FALSE. Less than 10% are for fetal issues. Let’s not pretend

5 Valentine’s Ideas for Students for Life Groups
Brenna Lewis | February 6, 2020
Ghandi said, “Where there is love, there is life.” And he couldn’t have been any more right! The pro-life movement is the movement of love. And that’s why February is FULL of ready-made ideas for group events and activities. If you’re part of a pro-life group on campus… check these out! Group Event & Activity Ideas #1 Table on Campus

Kansas Medical Student Testifies in Favor of Pro-Life Amendment
Brenna Lewis | February 6, 2020
Things are heating up in Kansas as citizens and legislators battle over whether or not to value preborn Kansans as people. Last year, a Kansas Supreme Court made the egregious ruling that abortion was a “constitutional right” in the state. Since then, pro-life advocates have fired back with the proposal of a “Value Them Both” amendment – a plea to

Pro-Lifers Organize En Masse To Defend Human Life In Florida
Brenna Lewis | February 5, 2020
Abortion activists are once again going overboard, this time in Florida they are trying to stop parents from being involved in the decisions their underage, teen daughters make with their unplanned pregnancies. This is the same Florida abortion lobby that employed a lobbyist who supported infanticide, for what it’s worth. So they probably weren’t ready for a large pro-life lobby

HORRIFYING: Retirement Community ‘Chaplain’ Advocates For Assisted Suicide
Brenna Lewis | February 5, 2020
Put John Lionberger on the list of people I wouldn’t allow near my elderly relatives. The city of Evanston is considering passing a resolution in support of assisted suicide. This is so, according to their state representative Robyn Gabel, she can better advocate for state-wide assisted suicide in Illinois. The state already legalized abortions up until the moment of birth,

NARAL Spreads Misinformation About ‘Support’ For Abortion
Brenna Lewis | February 5, 2020
The abortion industry would not exist if they could not lie, so it’s not surprising that the leading infanticide lobby group, NARAL, regularly spreads misinformation on its social media. During major media events, like the State of the Union, their propaganda machine goes into full gear, as they know President Trump will use his platform to highlight the dignity of