Category: Students for Life Action

Michigan Students Work To Put Dismemberment Ban On The Ballot
Brenna Lewis | February 3, 2020
Pro-lifers in Michigan were able to mobilize to help put a ban on dismemberment abortions on the ballot in 2020. The effort came after the state’s pro-abortion governor, Gretchen Whitmer, vetoed the legislation, which would ban the abortions. Under Michigan law, voters can overturn a governor’s veto through a referendum. The signatures now need to be approved and another piece

New Mexico Is About To Protect Pregnant And Parenting Employees From Discrimination
Brenna Lewis | January 30, 2020
House Bill 025 in New Mexico is an important piece of legislation to protect pregnant and parenting employees in New Mexico. It is similar to legislation supported by Students for Life Action in Kentucky last year. Christina Coffman, the Rocky Mountains Regional Coordinator for Students for Life (which includes New Mexico and Colorado) stated, “On behalf of pro-life students in

Facing Pressure From Pro-Lifers, Pro-Abortion Politician Abstains From Voting For Pro-Abortion Law
Brenna Lewis | January 30, 2020
We’ve been critical of Virginia delegate Joshua Cole before, particularly for his pro-abortion views and his association with abusive men like actor Alec Baldwin. But facing pressure from pro-lifers, Delegate Joshua Cole skipped a vote to allow non-doctors to commit abortions; although he is listed as being not present, he walked out of the delegate floor instead of going on

Kansas Students Help Advocate For Constitutional Amendment Protecting The Preborn
Brenna Lewis | January 30, 2020
Kansas Students for Life, including state captains, rushed to the state capitol yesterday to help advocate for a constitutional amendment to protect the preborn and to stop activist judges from writing laws in the state. The Value Them Both Amendment would ensure that voters and legislators, not state judges, write laws, as is mandated by the separation of powers. Ichabods
Pro-Infanticide Virginia Governor Likely To Sign Legislation That Enriches Abortion Industry
Brenna Lewis | January 30, 2020
The pro-infanticide, disgraced governor of Virginia, Ralph Northam, is likely to sign recently passed legislation (after his disgraced lieutenant governor Justin Fairfax cast the tie-breaking vote) that would strip away important pro-life protections and help women make informed choices. The bill, Senate Bill 733, does several things, including “remov[ing] Virginia’s requirement that only doctors may perform abortion in order to

Pro-Life Students Convince Democratic Voter To Vote Pro-Life First In Special Election
Brenna Lewis | January 29, 2020
Yesterday, around 10 pro-life students in Texas passed out hundreds of fliers that simply explained where the candidates stood on abortion in a special state house race in Texas’ 28th district. Thanks partially to their efforts, voters elected pro-life Gary Gates over NARAL-endorsed Eliz Markowitz. Ana Garza, a Students for Life leader at Houston Baptist University said, “I was never

Students for Life Action Supports Born-Alive Legislation In West Virginia
Brenna Lewis | January 28, 2020
The West Virginia House recently passed legislation that would ensure babies who are born alive during an abortion are provided proper medical care. HB 4007 requires that the baby born alive during an abortion receives medical care and efforts are taken to keep the baby alive. In a statement of support, West Virginia resident and Students for Life Director of

Leading Pro-Life Groups Just Trained More Than 3000 Activists
Brenna Lewis | January 25, 2020
Leading pro-life groups including Students for Life of America, Live Action, Alliance Defending Freedom, SBA List, and Heritage Foundation just trained 3,000+ student and adult leaders at the first National Pro-Life Summit. The National Pro-Life Summit is a collaboration over numerous pro-life groups to prepare for a post-Roe America. You can watch the full livestream below: Camille Cisneros, the Supportive

VICTORY! Legalized Infanticide Bill In Virginia Delayed Another Year
Brenna Lewis | January 22, 2020
When NARAL and Planned Parenthood-backed candidates ran for office, they ran on a platform of legalizing infanticide, one that was started by pro-infanticide Governor Ralph Northam and pro-infanticide Delegate Kathy Tran. Of course, the candidates called it “reproductive health” and “personal liberty”, not legalized infanticide. Now, in a victory for pro-lifers, a Virginia Senate committee has delayed debate and a

Pro-Life Delegates Pin On Baby Socks To Show Support For Abolishing Abortion
Brenna Lewis | January 20, 2020
Last Friday, Students for Life Action and the Virginia Family Foundation brought around 20 students and adults to Richmond to talk to legislators about the importance of prohibiting abortion, fixing the foster care system, and promoting adoption. They were able to have their work highlighted by two state delegates, Nick Freitas and John McGuire, who work our baby socks on