Category: Med & Law

Meet Dr. Califf: FDA Nightmare
Caroline Wharton | January 26, 2022
For a government agency that is supposed to be concerned with health, Biden’s Food and Drug Administration (FDA) seems awfully distracted with kissing up to the abortion lobby. Women’s wellness has been thrown to the wind with the latest changes to Chemical Abortion regulations, and it doesn’t look like the situation is going to get any better with Biden’s nominee

Kristan Hawkins Remarks at 2022 National Pro-Life Summit – The Fight for Freedom
Brenna Lewis | January 22, 2022
In 1776, British citizens gathered in Philadelphia to rebel against the most powerful empire our world had ever known…for their time had come to demand their freedom, their very right to self-govern….. And their Declaration changed the course of human history…”that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these

Anti-Abortion Leader Kristan Hawkins to Keynote Pensacola’s Emerald Coast Walk for Life
Caroline Wharton | January 14, 2022
“Roe v. Wade might be turning 49, but we won’t see it turn 50 as it is,” said Students for Life of America President Kristan Hawkins. “Students for Life of America was founded as a Post-Roeorganization, ready to protect life in law and in service in all 50 states. We’ve got a post-Roe plan, and we’re training the next generation of Pro-Life leaders

Testimony & Open Letter on MA Taxpayer Conscience Rights
Caroline Wharton | January 13, 2022
GUEST POST: On January 12, 2022, I was granted the opportunity to testify before the Massachusetts Joint Committee on Revenue in support of Bill H. 3005. This bill would allow Massachusetts taxpayers the right to opt out of funding abortion, instead choosing to redirect their tax dollars to support the state Safe Haven program which provides a means for parents

Abortion Desert Or Pro-Life Oasis?
Caroline Wharton | January 13, 2022
GUEST POST: The pro-life movement has seen incredible success this past year in Texas as the Lone Star State passed a restrictive Chemical Abortion ban and became the first state to pass an enforceable Heartbeat Bill. However, their sanctuary city movement deserves equal attention as 39 Texan cities have outlawed abortion within their city limits. Students for Life Action (SFLAction) has been

Greediness and Death Up with Abortion Lobby
Caroline Wharton | January 13, 2022
A new report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has shown that the United States abortion rate increased in 2019 for the second consecutive year. According to the report, abortion deaths have increased by 0.9% in women ages 15-44. However, no one truly knows if that’s the full extent of the damage—here’s why: The CDC admitted to

Abortion Lobby’s Ground Game Stinks While Pro-Lifers Soar at State Level
Caroline Wharton | January 13, 2022
If you need a reminder of how far ahead of the abortion lobby the Pro-Life Generation is, we’ve got just the thing for you. A recent article at The Hill, written by two abortion supporters, stressed the abortion lobby’s neglect of working at the state level to achieve their goals —none of which are good, of course—but this op-ed was

Pro-Abortion Bullies Fittingly Call Themselves the “Tribe for Death”
Caroline Wharton | January 13, 2022
Leave it to the abortion lobby to take something good and turn it into something bad—disgusting even. That’s exactly what we’re seeing at the College of William and Mary in Virginia where pro-abortion students are rabidly bullying pro-life students in ways that are dark and foul. But then, when has the abortion lobby been anything but dark and foul? The

SFLAction’s Efforts Against Chemical Abortion Highlighted in Boston Globe Article
Caroline Wharton | January 13, 2022
The newest darling of the abortion industry is Chemical Abortion pills, and a recent Boston Globe article highlighted Students for Life Action’s (SFLAction) efforts to push back on these dangerous, life-ending drugs. Nationwide, SFLAction is working towards protecting mothers and preborn children, and this article features a key piece of legislation inspired by Students for Life and aimed at defending

Planned Parenthood Executives Make How Much?!
Caroline Wharton | January 12, 2022
Trigger warning: If you read how much these Planned Parenthood executives make while drinking a beverage, you may have the immediate urge to shock-spew the contents out of your mouth. According to a report by American Life League, Planned Parenthood executives are earning obscene salaries—with some CEOs making more than $500,000 a year. These are the pockets into which YOUR