Category: leadership

Another Day, Another… TWO Pro-Life Chalk Vandalisms
Brenna Lewis | September 17, 2020
Sidewalk chalk is a favorite for pro-abortion vandals to destroy because they don’t actually have to defend themselves or face any sort of accountability. When pro-life students go out and chalk positive, life-affirming messages on campus, all the vandals have to do is wait until nightfall and ambush the artwork with a couple water bottles. Unfortunately, it feels like

Mizzou Students Chalk Life-Affirming Messages Around Their Campus
Brenna Lewis | September 16, 2020
The Pro-Life Generation knows that abortion doesn’t stop for a pandemic. COVID or no COVID, women are still finding themselves in unplanned pregnancies and in need of actual hope and support. The abortion industry knows this, and is still preying just as heavily on college-aged mothers. Thankfully, Students for Life leaders are already active this semester! At Mizzou, pro-life

Man Becomes Pro-Life After Learning He Was Almost Aborted, But SAVED by His Dad
Brenna Lewis | September 10, 2020
We say it all the time – the pro-life movement is a diverse group of culture-changers. Young and old, rich and poor, religious and non. There are pro-life groups of atheists, pro-life groups run by transgender or homosexual people, and post-abortive activists who may have spent years fighting on the other side. We have former abortion facility operators and doctors

Pro-Life Student Faces STORM of Pro-Abortion Hatred on Facebook
Brenna Lewis | August 31, 2020
My name is Angelique, and I am an artist, activist, writer, graphic designer, entrepreneur, and a senior at the University of Nevada Las Vegas, studying journalism. I am the president of UNLV Rebels for Life, and have been an activist in the pro-life movement since I was 14. I officially launched Life Dress ( in April 2019, after painting

Students for Life Action Volunteers Help Secure THREE Pro-Life Victories
Jessica Nardi | August 11, 2020
Despite last week’s incident with the arrest of two of Students for Life’s members, pro-life activists aren’t backing down. In fact, Students for Life Action had several notable victories this past week. Students for Life Action mobilized student volunteers to knock on doors and compare the record of Arizona’s Republican, yet pro-abortion, State Senator Heather Carter (SD-15) with pro-life
We Need an Army of Senator Josh Hawleys
Caroline Wharton | August 10, 2020
Americans have the election at the forefront of their minds. As we head to the polls, we have to ask ourselves what we most value. For millions of people, what they most value is the right to life. The best way to protect the right to life is to vote Pro-Life first. This should be the springboard for all other

50 Things You Can Do to End Abortion
Brenna Lewis | August 10, 2020
The pro-life movement is wide in scope and encompasses many different aspects. Even so, sometimes the most seasoned pro-life activists can run out of ideas or find themselves in need of fresh suggestions. There are SO many things the Pro-Life Generation can do to continue turning the tide and changing our culture for Life. The ideas below vary in

Yes, Black Preborn Lives Have ALWAYS Mattered
Jessica Nardi | August 6, 2020
In the wake of Students for Life team members being arrested for sidewalk chalking as they do every week outside the D.C. Planned Parenthood, abortion supporters are asking if the pro-life movement genuinely cares about racial issues, or if the “Black Lives Matters” slogan has been hijacked to promote our own agenda. The answer is simple: There’s no hijacking

Five Ways You Can Help Pregnant Women In Need
SFLA Staff | August 5, 2020
A woman facing an unplanned pregnancy may feel very overwhelmed and afraid. She may need support and someone to comfort her during this challenging experience. As pro-life people, we care deeply about reaching out to women in crisis to help them see they are not alone. The smallest action can have a great impact, and in the case of pro-life

Students for Life Leaders Unfazed by Harassment from Abortion Facility Escorts
Brenna Lewis | August 5, 2020
August 1, 2020 was Students for Life’s National Pro-Life Generation Sidewalk Day. This is the day that hundreds of students from all over the country gather to take action and have an immediate and direct impact on the abortion industry. Sidewalk counseling is a way one can fight against abortion on the front lines by significantly impacting abortion-minded women.